chapter sixty-four

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He took a deep breath and started.

n- that-that picture was old. it was when we went to Hawaii. i would never do that to you...


I heard a voice and I slowly opened my eyes. It was Noah, standing over me.

n- y/n? are you okay??

I ruffled my eyebrows in confusion. Where am I? I looked around, and I saw that I was still in Noah's bed at the Sway House. We never left for Aruba??

n- you were shaking...

I looked down at my hand and I saw my engagement ring on my hand. 

y/n- uh yeah... I'm fine...

I say and look around.

He sat down by me on the bed.

n- are you sure?? it looks like you just saw a ghost.

Right now I'm deciding whether or not to tell him what happened in my dream. I rub my eyes, making a final decision to tell him. So I do.

n- heyy... don't worry i love you, i would never do that to you.

He kisses the top of my forehead. I smile.

n- you should probably get ready to get on the plane, or else ant will literally come in here and start throwing pillows at you again.

I laugh at the memory, and I get up to get changed for the plane ride. I choose a simple outfit, nothing special, and in a few minutes I'm ready to go.

n- hey, are ya ready?

y/n- yep.

I nod, and follow him out to the car, which Ant conveniently packed last night. Noah is driving, like always, and I sit in the passenger seat while Cynthia, Blake and Ant sit in the back. Noah hands me his phone to play some music, so I do to the airport, singing along with the songs I know.


a/n: yes i will post again tonight teehee

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