Chapter 1

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    New story! It simply popped into my head and I'm really enjoying writing it. If you're wondering who Jason McCann is, it's Justin Bieber's character on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. Go check out the episode if you havent. It's called "Shock Waves" Its REALLY good. Justin's a pretty good actor ;) Hope you all like this story. Please VOTE! I'd love to be nominated for a Watty Award. It would be ah-mazing! lol Thanks 4 reading ;) Comment and tell me what you think! xoxo


                                                                                      x Jason x

  "McCann! Lunch."

  Some guard whose name I never bothered to learn opened my cell door and shoved a tray of food towards me.

  "Eat...or you'll die." he smirked.

  I shot him my usual glare. He just snickered and left my cell, making sure to lock it up tightly. Didn't the guy know that there ws no way in hell that I was going to eat that crap? I shoved the tray away from myself and rested my back back against the wall, my arms resting on my knees. Just wait till I get out of here. They were going to pay for what they did to Ralph and Alex. I was going to have no regrets.

  "Last cell to the right, Little Miss." I heard a guard say. Some girl walked by carrying a plastic Wal-Mart bag. I didn't get a clear view of her face. She disappeared before I could. Probably going to visit some family member, I thought. No one had ever visited me. It's not like I had anyone anyways. Ralph was in some prison somewhere. He was like a father to me. And only brother...I doubt he even had a decent funeral. It's all my fault. I should have never told them where Alex was. They shot my brother and they called themselves a police force? Bullcrap.

  Suddenly I heard loud arguing from down the hall. I listened closer.

  "James, you wouldn't be in here if you hadn't..." The voice faded into a frustrated sigh. "I don't know you anymore, James!"

  "You know me be better than anyone!" yelled a different voice.

  "Or so I thought!" There was the sound of something hitting the ground and then loud, echoing footsteps. It was the same girl who had walked by eariler. She was still carrying the Wal-Mart bag. I noticed she had light, brown hair that fell in layers just inches beneath her shoulders and green, vibrant eyes. She was wearing a blue t-shirt and jean shorts along with a pair of black rainboots. I couldn't help but smirk at her choice of shoes. She must have heard me smirk because she stopped right in front of my cell.

  "What's so funny?" She asked me. I motioned towards her rainboots and snickered. Her face turned pink. Was she blushing?

  "I don't have anymore shoes." She explained. Why did I suddenly feel sorry for her? She took me by surprise when she kneeled down in front of my cell.

  "Are you hungry?" She asked me. "I see all your food's still on the tray." I just shrugged. She suddenly began to reach into her plastic bag.

  "My brother says the food here's disgusting. Bet that's why don't eat. They should at least give you something decent to eat." She pulled out something wrapped in foil and a coke can.

  "Here." She said, pushing it through the bars. "It's  grilled cheese sandwich if you're wondering. I made it myself." She smiled and stood back up. "I'm Taylor, by the way." She threw me another small smile before slowly walking away and disappearing.

  Taylor. Why was she so nice? She didn't even know me. I'm pretty sure any smart person wouldn't go around talking to guys behind cells. Much less give them food. It's not like I would hurt her anyways. She was nice...and pretty. I slowly reached over towards the grilled cheese sandwich wrapped in foil and unwrapped it. It looked decent. I took a small bite out of it. It was delicious. I hadn't tasted something so good in months. She was a pretty good cook after all.


Author's Note: Read my story "Becoming Mandy" starring Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber ;) U won't be disappointed xD

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