The water war

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Prompt: Hamilton: I'm never letting you go.

I swear, the title just sounds very weird! The story is wholesome!

The hamilsquad were currently in the middle of a war. A water war. Their weapons were water guns and water balloons. And their battle field was Laf's pool. Everyone was battling everyone here. How the war was won? You completely disarm another person and then dunk them underwater. Last person standing won. As long as you had at least one water balloon, you had at least a chance of surviving. Also, if you hurt someone you immeadiately lost. Though, th Simple rules.

At the time, this is who had what: Herc had 2 water guns and 10 water balloons, Laf had 1 water gun and 12 balloons, John had  1 water gun and 7 balloons, Aaron had 7 balloons and Alex had 2 balloons. Obviously, Alexander was closest to losing. He threw one of his balloons at Aaron to distract him and steal something from his, but when he took the last one, it bursted in his hand, officially disarming him. He hurriedly climbed on top of an avocado floatie (fRe ShA vOcA dO) for safety and held onto it for dear life.

The others went up to the floatie and tried to turn it over to get Alex under water. "I'm never letting you go!" he screamed, arms and legs wrapped around it. The other bois finally flipped it, making Alex, who still had both arms and legs wrapped around it, lose. The boy got out of the pool to dry himself up. He was sitting on the porch and watched as his friends continued to play.

Currently, Hercules was still in the lead with 2 guns and 5 balloons, after him was Aaron with 1 gun and 4 balloons, then there was the french fry with only a gun, and at the end, was John without a gun and 5 balloons. They were having a fun time, until Aaron accidentally hit John on the head with the water gun. He started sobbing.

"Oh my god! John, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?!" he appologized. "You are the worst Burr!" Laf said as he tried to comfort his friend. Aaron kept appologizing to his friend while Laf tried to comfort him. "Should we stop?" Herc asked concerned. John shook his head. "No... you guys can keep playing, but I'm getting out..."

The boy got out of the pool and dried himself up. "Are you alright?" Alex asked as his friend sat next to him. He shrugged. "My head still hurts." he said and pointed to where he was hit. Alex thought of a way to make his friend feel better when he suddenly got an idea. He turned his friend around and gave him a kiss on his head, making both of them blush slightly.

"W-why did you do that?" John asked. Alex shrugged. "When I get a bruice, my mom always kisses it better." he explained. They were quiet for a bit. "Did it work?" Alex asked. John shyly looked away, bulshing, and nodded his head. The other boy smiled.

After a while longer of playing, it was only Hercules and Lafayette left. Herc with 2 guns and one balloon, and Laf with only 2 guns. It was thrilling scene, but after about 10 minutes, Herc won the battle and was celebrated by his friends.

At the end of the day, everything got what they wanted: Alex cheered his friend up. John was kissed (on the forehead). Aaron was forgiven by John. Herc won the water war. And Laf found out that Alex kissed John.

(599 Words)

I'm sad that I couldn't find a way to make it 600 words, but hey, I wrote something that's NOT 5600 word long! Hooray for me! This story is loosely based on something that happened with my neighbors and me. We didn't have a water fight though. They only tried to drown me while I was on a floatie thingy (It was a banana btw). Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this story. Don't get anyone pregnant, and if you do, make sure they're hot. With that said, have a nice day/night, ~ Vio

 With that said, have a nice day/night, ~ Vio

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This is the avocado floatie, by the way :)

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