Of Wolves and Men

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Prompt: Hamilton is a dragon (or another monster) and Laurens as a knight who has to slay them, but they end up falling in love with them instead (or vice versa). 

TW: Slight gore

I have no idea what "Of Mice and Men" is about. I just liked the sound of this title.

Update: it's been 2 years, but I've finally watched it today and OH MY GOD MY SOUL HAS BEEN CRUSHED AND I'M OFFICIALLY EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE

John Laurens was a well-known knight who recently got hired by the king. Why you may ask? Well, lately a lot of people were found dead near the forest. Not only dead, their bodies were torn apart and limbs were missing. Sometimes they were so mutilated, that they were unidentifiable. The king was absolutely positive that it was the werewolves' fault, so John was hired to hunt down and slay them. King George (3rd) didn't just blame the human-like creatures because they lived in the forest, in which's vicinity a lot of the bodies where found. No. He put the blame on them because this was not the first time the wolves were doing something like that. 

Ten years ago, the werewolves attacked the nameless kingdom(I'm so sorry, couldn't come up with a name) and killed over 100 people. Of course, during that time, the humans fought back, resulting in what is known as "The Hominum-Lupus War" (Human-Wolf War). The war ended when the King and the leader of the werewolves signed a peace tready. It said that the wolves would leave the humans alone, but the humans weren't allowed into their forest ever again. Even though peace returned, not everyone was happy with this. Those people hated werewolves and didn't like that they were allowed into the forest no more. One of those people was Thomas Jefferson, the king's right hand. 

Anyways, it's been ten years since the war ended and now the wolves were attacking again. This was very strange, because the king made sure that no one would enter the creatures' forest. He had a lot of knights make sure no one would get inside. Now, about 10 people were found dead. He felt like another war was going to start.

That's why John got hired in the first place and when was asked if he was up for the job, he immediately agreed to it. You see, this hits very close home to him, because his father, who was also a knight, was one of the first people to get killed by those beasts. This happened when John was only 13 years old. Ever since then, he hated these creatures. Laurens swore that was going to get revenge for his father, but unlike him, he was going to survive.

When John went into the forest to hunt the beasts, he was armed with a silver dagger, a silver sword and a gun with silver bullets. Y'know, because silver is the werewolves' weakness. He walked deeper into the forest, watching his every step so he won't make a noise. He had his gun in hand incase he would get attacked out of nowhere. To him this really got in handy.

The hunter suddenly heard a loud noise. He turned around to find just what he has been looking for. A werewolf. (Obviously). Quickly, he pointed his gun at the creatur and pulled the trigger, shooting it in the shoulder, causing it to bleed. It ran away, John following behind.

He was rather surprised when the wolf stopped running and kneeled down by a tree, rambling something. John saw this as his chance, pulled out his dagger and sneaked up to it. The closer he got, the more he could hear what the creature was saying. It sounded like it was talking to someone.

When the knight was only a few steps away, a high pitched voice shreaked "Daddy, watch out!" The wolf turned around and looked the man straight in the eyes. John stopped in his tracks. He saw that the tall wolf was hugging a small one. Probably a child. The wolf's eyes started filling up with tear. "Take me!" it pleaded "But please! I beg you! Let my son go!"

John's eyes widened "Y-you... are a father?" he asked, voice shaking. The wolf man noded. The hunter now was sure of something: He couldn't bring himself kill him. He couldn't do it. Of course, he wanted to take revenge on the beasts, but he couldn't kill a small child's father. He knew what it was like to grow up without a dad himself. That's a kind of pain he wouldn't want to cause to anyone else. Not even a werewolf. Especially not to an innocent child.

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