Cue: the awkwardness

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Prompt: Alex, a normal person, falling in love with John, who's a rookie idol, being totally awkward during a handshake event.

I don't know how to write for a hand shake event. Nor for an idol. I'm projecting all my awkwardness onto John.

Deal with it.

John was, like stated above, a rookie idol. What that means? I don't know either, but he poor boy had to do one of those weird/stupid handshake events. For the poor sod, this was the first event he ever had/made/whatever. And he had no clue what to do. Cue: the awkwardness. (both for him AND me ;-;) Every person he interacted with was excited and they would squeal and John didn't really know what to do nor say. He studdered, tripped and mixxed up words. Every time he did, which was pretty much all the time, he would appologize for it. Another thing that made it very awkward for him, was that some girls would flirt with him. He wasn't sure why. They knew that they didn't have a chance, because John was openly gay🏳‍🌈.

Now, some of the guys (only some) would touch or grope his ass, making it even more uncomfortable than it already was. He wasn't comfortable with that, but he wasn't confident enough to tell them to stop. Basically, he was in hell.

But then there was this one guy. He was pretty nice to him and he wasn't being loud or weird. He treated John like he was a normal person, which he was thankfull for. "I'm Alexander." the man said. "I'm John- wait... I, uh... I guess you already know that..." the other man laughed. "It's fine. Everyone can mess up." he reassured him. 

Alexander thought that John was adorable, but not only his looks. The way he talks, acts, hell, he even liked his stuttering. He just thought the idol was very cute. They talked for another minute until it was the next person's turn, but before Alexander left, the other gave him a little paper slip. It said: '(number) call me! if you want to that is...'

After the aweful event, John plopped down in a chair and looked at his phone. He had a missed call from an unknown number and decided to call back. "Hello?" the other person on the line said. "Uh... H-hi! It's, uhm, John." he responded. The man on the other line laughed. "I know. I mean, you gave me your number."

John felt stupid. The two of them talked on the phone for a while. The idol was happy that he found someone who didn't treat him like "John Laurens, the singer" but rather like who he really was. Sure, he was just a beginner, but since he first appeared on TV on "The Voice", many people, some he hadn't heard of in years, tried to contact him and have a "fresh start", even people who used to bully/mock him. And some of his fans were extreme as well. Having someone treat him like a normal person and not as a celebrity was really great and he felt like he as a person mattered.

Alexander did like the boy's voice, talent and voice and, of course, he only went to the concert because of that, but he also liked John's personality, or at least the personality he showed on his social media. It was good to know that he didn't just pretend to be funny and nice to seem like a better person in the eye of the public. John simply melted his heart. He wouldn't say it directly, but ever since that night, he started falling for the boy more and more everyday.

The two changed each other's life.

(617 Words)

I did another thing! I meant to publish it yesterday, but I went out with a friend. It reminds of my other chapter "Could You Not?", I know, but I actually kinda liked it. And yes, it's based off of Dear Porcupines by Melanie Martinez, but can you blame me? I love that song! Anyways, hope you liked it. Have a nice rest of the day/night.  ~Vio

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