The deal

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Prompt: John making a deal to Alexander's life at the cost of all their memories together. 

Okayyyyyyyyy, this story is based on a game I like very very much: The Liar Princess And The Blind Prince. You should REALLY check it out before reading this chapter. Just skip it and watch a let's play or play it yourself, because there WILL be huge spoilers for it. It would be really favorable if you check it out first.

TW: Slight angst

John Laurens was a werewolf. Werewolves were thought to already having died out. They almost were, though. You see, werewolves were hunted and captured for a lot of different reasons. One in particular, was that they could do something similar ro magic. (That sound ridiculas) It was magic, but at the same time it wasn't. It's mainly based on alchemy, but it also had something... unexplainable to it.

Alexander Hamilton was a human. You see, humans don't know how to use that "magic", so they captured a lot of werewolves, thinking they might show them how to use it, but when they couldn't, which was the case with every single one they captured, they would be killed. Because of that, the wolves hid in the "forbidden forest" and the humans thought they died out.

"Why is it a forbidden forest?" You may ask. Well, because it was a magical forest. It's not as ridiculas as it sounds, I promise. There are no fairies or unicorns. The trees in the forest were alive and monster-like creatures lived in it. Sometimes cute, sometimes not. The thing is, when a human entered, there was only a slim chance of them making it out alive. That's why to humans it was forbidden.

Alex often walked by the forest. Not for a reason you might think, though, but because he often heard a beautiful voice singing something. He didn't know who it was or where they were, but he loved their voice. It's was really calm and beautiful. He walked around and looked for who the voice belonged to.

One night, John felt really brave and decided to sneak out to the end of the forest to go to the cliff that just barely belonged to it. He thought that no one would be out at that time, especially near the forbidden forest, so he didn't see a problem with going. He didn't tell anyone, though. His father would kill him if he knew.

From the cliff, one could get a beautiful view of the humans' village, but wasn't all too high and anyone being there would be immediately discovered, but John ignored the latter. He sat down and started singing. It reminded him of when he was a kid and would sing with his mother. It calmed him down but also made him sad, because, you see, he and his father were the last surviving members of their family. His mother, sister and brothers were all... you know.

He was so distracted, that he didn't notice someone climbing up the cliff. "Hey." they said. John shrieked and was about to run away, but the man got a grip of hid arm. "Calm down, I won't hurt you." John would have bit his arm and ran away, like he was taught as a kid, but something about this man made him feel calm. He hessitately sat back down and looked away.

"You can sing very good." the man said, making John blush a bit. He looked at the man "...thank you." he whispered, then looked away again. "I'm Alexander." he held out his hand, for the other, but he just stared at it, weirded out. "John..."

"Well John-" The other interrupted him "Why are you here?" he asked. Alex looked down and shrugged. "Well, I heard your voice once and I thought it was beautiful and when I noticed you there, I just needed to talk to you, see you." he explained, making the other blush even more. He shifted a bit closer to Alexander. "So, how old are you?" the man asked. John thought for a moment. "Human or dog years?" Alex snickered. "Uhm, human years?" he said. "17." the wolf boy replied. "And in dog years?" he asked. John thought for a moment. "124."

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