Shooting booth... at a FAIR

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Prompt: Alexander and John at a theme park or carnival, and walking towards one of the many games to win a large stuffed animal. Alexander is sure that they can win the game, but after many attempts (and a lot of cash down the drain) Alexander gives up. John, however, tries and succeeds on their first go.

Okay, last part of my lil trilogy :). Logan will, again, attempt shit, but he'll get someone at the end too ;)

The girls were walking around, looking for their friend, or at least a ride to go on, when they ran into... you guessed it, Logan. At the sight of the girls infront of him, he smirked and slightly bowed down. "Ladies." he said. The group looked at him, disgusted. "No." they said in unison and walked away. "Why not?!" he yelled after them. Peggy turned around and yelled back "Because you suck!" The girls laughed. Logan sighed. This was the 8th rejection he got today: Lafayette, Samuel, James, John, Maria, Eliza, Angelica and Peggy. Of course he didn't know all the names, but he still counted the people.

Aaron and Theo went to a shooting booth. Aaron said that he'll win something for Theo, but after three attempts, he gave up. "I'm sorry. I should've known that I'm a terrible shot." he said, but Theo just giggled. "It's alright." she said "You didn't have to win something for me anyways." The boy sighed. "But I wanted to prove-" Theodosia interrupted him. "You don't have to prove anything to me. I already know you and I to me, you've already prooven to be a nice, funny and sweet person." Burr blushed. "Theo, I-" and then: LOGAN. "Hello pretty lady." the fuck face said. Theo looked at him angrily. "Excuse you, but we're having a conversation right now. Go and bother someone else." she said sternly. The man, once again, left, defeated. The girl turned back to Aaron. "You were saying?" she asked with a smile. The boy was a bit surprised by her change of aditue, but he couldn't blame her. If she hadn't done it, he would've. "Oh, yeah." he started "Theo, I really loke you." The girl laughed, as Aaron came to relisation what he just said. "I-I wanted to say love but then I realized it might be a bit early to say that so I decided to say like but I already said 'lo' so I ended up saying loke and-" Theo, once again, interrupted him. "It's okay. I really loke you two." she said. The two of them laughed. Aaron realized one thing: This is true love. (Or should I say loke?) (*Badum-ts*) (I really ship Burrdosia.)

After a few minutes, Alexander and his boyfriend (OvO) also went to a booth. "Hey John, bet I can win you this stuff turtle?" he winked. John laughed. "Alright then." Alex paid, he shot, and... he missed, but he wasn't going to give up just yet. 30 bucks and 10 attempts later, he finally gave up. "I'm sorry John..." he said, but before he could respond, someone laughed. The boys turned and saw: Thomas. (dun dun duuuun) Alex was about to walk up to him, when his boyfriend held onto his arm. "Let me try." he said. John payed, shot and he won (yay). The price, of course, was a stuffed turtle. Thomas was just about to say something insulting, but James stopped him. "Remember when you asked me what you could do to make up for making me throw up ealier?" he asked and Thomas nodded. "Well, the way you can make this up, is if you don't argue with Hamilton today." he said. Thomas sighed, but agreed. The pairs, for once, had a normal conversation, when AGAIN, Logan walked up. "You again?" Alexander asked. The others looked at him too. "Wait, you know this guy?" Tommy asked. They nodded. "He tried to flirt with John earlier." Alex explained. "He did that with James too." Thomas said. Theo and Burr overheard their converation, then they looked at Logan. "This is the guy who interrupted our conversation a few minutes ago!" Theodosia said, clearly offended. Everyone looked at him, angry and judgemental. And he, once again, walked away.

While that was happening, Herc and Laf went on the chain carousel together. While it was spinning, Laf was amazed, to say the least. His eyes were basically sparkling at this point. Herc laughed at how excited he was. He just looked so adorable.

After a long day of being at the Prater, the class had to head back to the hotel. While in the subway, the girls were squealing over Theodosia and Burr, who were a bit embarrassed because of it, George was going even more insane because of his brother and his boyfriend, the Hamilsquad were still talking about ducks, Tommy and Jimmy-James were cuddling, Mr. and Mrs. Washington were discussing what to do with the class the next day, and James Reynolds? He was texting his new 'boyfriend' Logan. So, at the end, everyone (except for George ):<) was happy.

(846 Words)

Whoooo. I made 3 chapters in one day. Yay. That was some work, but I'm proud of it. It feels great to finally write stories and publishing them. Even if no one will read them. Anyways, let's continue with the rides, shall we?

The chain carousel

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The chain carousel. It's, if I remember correctly, the biggest in the world. Great view. Nice and windy. 10/10, would ride again. But I remember having to take off my shoes, because I could've lost them.😂 Have a nice rest of the day/night.  ~Vio.

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