The boy in the library

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Prompt: John and Alex in a library/book store AU.

I have NO idea what a library AU is :) Why don't I just leave this out then? BECAUSE THE PICS I FOUND ARE TOO CUTE NOT TO USE!

John awkwardly stumbled around the library, looking for history books about some Miranda guy. He had to make a presentation about him and barely knew anything. He looked at the book shelves and tightly held onto his sleeve, internally screaming from feeling like an idiot. After a while of awkwardly staring at different shelves and feeling stupid, someone tapped his shoulder. "Can I help you?" they asked. John turned around. "Uh, yeah, I uhm need books?" he said. The other laughed. "Obviously." he said "Which books?"

The boy thought for a moment, as if he forgot, which he kinda did. "Uhm... about this guy... Lin-Manuel Miranda..." he whispered. The other snorted. "I know we're in a library, but you can talk in an audible volume." he said. John blushed a bit and repeated him self a little bit louder "About L-Lin-Manuel Miranda." The other smiled at him and grabbed his arm to lead him to the right book shelves. While they were walking, he asked "So, you got a name freckles?" John blushed more. "I-I'm... John..." he said.

"John, I'm Alexander." he said with a smile. They then stopped infront of a shelf. Alexander 'presented' it to the other. "Here you can find all you need to know about Miranda and the other founding fathers." he explained. John gave him a small smile. "T-thank you..." he whispered. Alex was about to leave, but he stopped in his track. "I think I've seen you before." he said. The other shrugged. "Possible." He thought for a moment. "I think we go to the same high school." Alex said. John shrugged. "Maybe."

The two started talking while John picked out books he thought seemed useful. "Say, how do you know your way around the library so well?" The boy asked. Alex shrugged. "I kinda work here part time." he explained. "So you're working at the moment?" John asked. The other shook his head no. "Nah, it's my day off. I just like being here."

John looked at him confused. "Then why did you help me?" he asked. Alexander shrugged again. "You looked lost, so I felt the need to help you. Besides, you look cute." he explained. The other blushed even more.

After that, John went to the library to study and work on the presentation every day. If someone asked him, he would say it's because it's quiet there, but we all know the real reason he went there ;) Of course because the books he needed where there. What did you think? That he went there just to see Alexander? (I mean, you're right, but we gotta cover for him)

One day, he nervously walked up to Alexander. "H-hey... uh... do you know where... the romance novels are atttttttt....?" he asked. The other smiled and nodded. John followed him, getting more nervous by the second. "You never told me you were into romance stuff." Alex said. The other blushed. "Well, I guess I am..." he mumbled. They stopped infront of the shlef. "So what'cha looking for?" Alexander asked.

The freckled boy shrugged. "I dunno, something gay, I guess." He mentally face palmed. "Did I just say that out loud?" he asked. The other laughed. "Yes, yes you did." John sighed, feeling like an idiot. "I could recommend you some though." Alex suggested. The other's eyes widened a bit. He really didn't expect that. "Uhm... sure." he said.

Alexander gave him some gæ romance books the thought the other might enjoy, such as: Boyfriend Material; Love, Simon; Kidnapped By The Pirate; ect. John blushed. "T-thanks..." he quietly said. Alex smiled. "Any time, cutie."

John took a deep breath. "You wanna hang out some time?" he asked. "You mean like a date?" the other asked, eyeing him weirdly and judgemental. John got nervous. "Yes, I mean no, I mean, uh..." Alexander laughed. "I'm kidding. Of course I'd like to hang out." he said "You free tomorrow?" The other nodded hesitately. The two agreed on a time and place.

Alex cupped the freckled boy's face with his hand, tracing his thumb along his cheek. "So it's a date." he said before he walked away, leaving the other boy flustered. "Yeah... it's a date." he whispered and out his hand on his cheek, where Alex previously touched him. He smiled to himself. "A date."

(747 Words)

Yaaayy! I did a wholesome library thing! Btw, I had to look up the gay books I mentioned above and I actually think about buying "Boyfriend Material". But I barely know anything about the books. I'm actually very satisfied with how it turned out. Anyways, hope you liked it. Have a nice rest of the day/night.  ~Vio

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(yeah, has nothing to do with the story

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(yeah, has nothing to do with the story. Still funny tho)

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