Cute dog

219 5 14

Prompt: Alexander runs across the road to pet John's pet.

Cat reveal!!! She tried eating my homework once... more than once.

But the story's about a dog.

John took a walk with his dog Philip. Philip was a 2 year ols shepherd dog. Anyways he was making his way home, when a guy ran up to him. "Hey, uh, you have a cute dog." he said. "Uhm... thanks..." John replied.

"Can I pet him?" the man asked. "Sure." The man kneeled down to pet the doggy, who enjoyed it :3 While petting, he noticed his name encraved onto the collar. "How old is he?" the man asked. "He recently turned 2." John said.

The two of them started talking. Mainly about dogs and other cute aminals. "I'm sorry, this may sound weird, but did you attend Columbia College?" John asked. The man, who he now knows is called Alexander, nodded. "I think we had a class together." he stated. (Which class is up to you. I know nothing about college) "Yeah, probably." Alex said. They got along pretty well and exchanged numbers, so they could talk afterwards as well, since Alex had to meet up with some coworkers for a meeting or so.

John was not really fond of talking to Alexander at first, because he himself was pretty introverted and Alex, well, barely shut the fuck up. So he was surprised when they actually got along. He was lying on the couch, Philip ontop of him, when his phone vibrated.

Alex: Hello John. It's Alex. How are you?

John: hi alex. im fine. what abozut u

Alex: I'm also fine.

Alex: I just wanted to ask if you want to hang out with me and my friends some time?

John: sure. but when and where

Alex: We wanted to meet infront of the cinema on friday at 3p.m. Do you have time?

John: sure. is it fine if i bring ohilip

Alex: Of course!

Alex: See you on friday.

John: see ya

John searched the TV programm in hopes of finding something interesting to watch, when his phone once again vibrated.

Herucles Muscleman: Laf I and a friend wanna go out on friday. you got time

Jon Laurs: soory busy on friday

Herucles Muscleman: Whaaaat?? Whyyyyy??

Jon Laurs: already going out with someone

Herucles Muscleman: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?????? Who?

Jon Laurs: his names alex

Jon Laurs: we had a class togethger

Herucles Muscleman: Wait. you mean alexander?

Jon Laurs: yes

Herucles Muscleman: Alexander hamilton?

Jon Laurs: yes you know him?

Herucles Muscleman: We're going out with him on friday!

Jon Laurs: oh

Jon Laurs: well then

Herucles Muscleman: So that means youre coming?

Jon Laurs: i guess so

Herucles Muscleman: Aight! see you then!

John put his phone away. "Huh." he said to himself "That was weird." How come his friends knew Alex but never thought about introducing him to John? 'They should've done that earlier!' John thought 'I would've liked meeting some one that attractive-' he stopped himself from thinking this. He couldn't just think like that about someone he just met! That's weird. Yes, Alexander looked attractive and he seemed nice, he couldn't deny that, but that was it. No other feelings. Neither bad nor good. The man sighed as he sunk further into the couch and petted the boi lying ontop of him.

"Good boy." he said. Philip started licking his face. "You truly are the goodest of boys." he said while laughing.

(543 Words)

Yeah, I know, it's a short one again, BUT I'll make another part on this. (based on another prompt of course) The part will be recognizable, because it'll be called "(something something) dog) dunno what I'll make that word be, but it'll be sumthin unexpected. Änywäys, höpe yöü liked it. Häve ä nice rest öf the däy/night.  ~Viö

that's how Pip looks btw

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that's how Pip looks btw

he's the goodest boi in the wörld

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