Fake royalty

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Prompt: Alex being a ruler of a large amount of land, living in the lap of luxury, and taking John as their consort. 

He ain't royalty. But he comes pretty fucking close. He a rich bitch ruler man-guy. (I think.) (I didn't pay attention in history class)

After his parents' deaths, Alexander Hamilton was forced to rule. He wasn't too fond of that idea at the beginning, since he was only 12 years old, but he did get used to it eventually and became a great ruler. (Glad he wasn't a setsquare. badum-ts) He was now 21 years old and was being pressured into getting married, favorably to someone from another land. (Weirdly worded again, I see) He wasn't too fond of that idea either. His logic was: Why get married to a girl whom I probably not even going to love and vice versa?

Still, there was going to be a ball, to which a lot of people and a lot of pretty women were invited. Alexander was everything but excited for it, but he was forced to go. He put on his clothes (the ones he wears in the picture above, obviously) and entered the ball room. There were a lot of people there. He didn't think that many people would fit into one room. Anyways, he talked to several women and even a few men, but none of them really woke his interest. He was looking for following in a partner: Looks, brains, humor and a good personality, but not a Mary Sue. He wanted someone who was great, but also had flaws, because, who really wants someone who's perfect in every aspect without even the smallest of flaws? Not Alexander, that is.

He then met a woman in whom he found most of what he was looking for. Her name was Angelica Schuyler. The two of them talked for a while, when suddenly a certan fella called Thomas Jefferson came along. "Alex!" he said "Nice to see you. How have been? Still dressing like fake royalty, I see!" Alexander sighed, then put on a fake smile. "Thomas, it's been a while! I'm doing great. What about you? Still being a huge asshole, I see!" he responded. The two of them started fighting. You see, Thomas and Alex have hated each other since early childhood. Thomas was the eldest child from a rich family, who just happened to be friends with Alex's parents. They never got along, and they probably never will.

"Just-just fuck you!" Alex said. The other man laughed. "Trust me, I will." and with that he walked away. By then, Angelica had gone away to talk to other people. Alexander sighed. He walked around a bit until someone bumped into him. "I-I-I'm so s-sorry, Sir!" they said. Alexander looked at them. It was a young, short guy with curly hair, freckles and beautiful, brown eyes. Alex smirked. "It's alright." he said. He took the others hand and kissed it, making the other blush. "I'm Alexander Hamilton."

The other's face reddened even more as he realized who was talking to him. "J-john Laurens." the other studdered. Alex put a hand on the shorter boy's cheek and slightly caressed it. "John Laurens, may I say that you look stunning." John blushed even more, if even possible. "T-thank you, Sir..." he responded. The ruler laughed. "No need for saying 'Sir'. Just call me Alex." he said. The two of them started talking and they got along really well.

A week later, they were exchanging letters on the daily and Alexander started falling for the 19 year old boy more and more, but he had one problem: They were both men. He wasn't sure if they would be able to get married. He went to his best friend Lafayette for advice. "Do you think they'll let it happen?" he asked. The baguette man shrugged. "I mean, you're something like their boss. You can do pretty much whatever you want." Alexander sighed. "But what if they'll arrest him or so?" he asked. "Then you tell them to let him free." "And what if-" "Mon ami, you are the ruler of this land. No matter what they would want to do to him, you can stop them!" he said, interrupting the other. He sighed. "I guess you're right but-" and that's how the next hour went.

After two weeks, Alexander had an idea: he went to the Laurens' house and knocked on the door. A man, whom he had never seen before answered. "Yes?" he asked. Alexander bowed. "Sir, my name is Alexander Hamilton and, this may seem random, but I want to ask for your son's hand." he explained. The man starred at him, shocked. "You... WHAT?!" he asked, a bit too loudly, because after that, a person ran towards them. It was John, holding a little girl. "What's going on?" he asked. "John, go back inside!" his father demanded. John put the little girl down, who then ran into the house. He then noticed Alexander. "A-alex...!" he said, earning a smirk from the other. "Hello, my dear." he responded and kissed his hand. Not the best idea.

The man shoved his son inside and closed the door. "What are your intentions with my son?" he asked. "Well, like I said, I want to ask for John's hand." Alex responded. The older man rolled his eyes. "I'm not deaf, I heard that. But why do you want to marry him?" he asked.

Alexander sighed. "It's a bit hard to explain, but long story short: I have fallen for your son and I want to take him as my consort." he explained. The man wasn't quite sure what to think of this. On one hand, he wants his son to be happy, but on the other hand, homosexual relationships were forbidden. After a while of (well) talking (I guess), Henry did give them his blessing. He then went inside the house and sent John outside.

When he got outside, he saw Alexander kneeling. Alex took John's hands into his own. "John Laurens," he started "do you want to marry me?" John's face turned red and his eyes filled with tears. "Yes!" he screamed and hugged Alexander.

Despite some complications, the two of them got married three days after the proposal. After the wedding and all that stuff. Alexander carried his husband (:3) into their room and layed him down on the bed. He caressed his cheek. "My god, you're beautiful." he said. The other boy giggled. "Was I not beautiful before?" he asked in a fake hurt tone. Alex laughed. "Of course you were. I just..." he trailed off, not knowing what to say.

He started to leave a trail of kisses along John's neck, making him mewl softly. "I love you." he said. John blushed and replied "I love you too..." Alexander kissed John passionatly. And, well, you can imagine what they did the rest of the night. ;3

(1156 Words)

I did another thing. I didn't actually think I'd finish this today, because I played The Sims 4 a lot today.😅 I don't have much to say to this, except for cute filler stuff. Anyways I hope you liked it. Have a nice rest of the day/night.  ~Vio


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