FAIRly amusing

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Prompt: Hamilton and Laurens go to a fair/amusement park and Hamilton wants to go on the roller coaster and Laurens agrees. Later, Laurens regrets their decision and ends up clinging onto Hamilton for dear life. 

*Badum-tz* G-get the title? It's a pun about- yeaaaaaaahhhhhhh.... Anyyyyyyywaaaaayys, the focus will be mostly on Lams, but other ships as well, such as: Mullette, Jeffmads, Burrdosia, (mentioned) (past) James x Maria and Leebury. Maybe another ship. Who knows really? Also, pictures of the rides etc will be at the end. c:

The 12th grade of Miranda high was making a 2 week trip to.... VIENNA!! (whooo) It was mainly good, but also not so much. You see, Alexander and Thomas were fightimg during the whole flight. The flight was almost 9 hour long... You can guess how nice and relaxing that was. John, Laf, Herc, James and Aaron did their best to try and get them to stop fighting, but after 2 hours, they gave up.

Anyways, after the long and triring flight, the class went to the hotel they were going to stay at. They were staying in the hotel rooms in groups of 2-4: Room 21: Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Aaron Burr, James Reynolds. Room 22: Angelica Schuyler, Maria Lewis, Theodosia Bartow. Room 23: Eliza and Peggy Schuyler. 24: Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Lafayette, Hercules Mulligan. Room 25: George Frederick, Samuel Seabury, Charles Lee. Room 26: George Washington, Martha Washington. GWash decided to take his wife with him on the trip, because he didn't want her to be all alone for two weeks. He also needed some help handling the class. Besides, Martha loved the class. To her, they were like her own children. (Just a lil info: George F and Sammy are brothers. Sammy was adopted.)

So, anyways, after five days of going to museums, art galeries and the like, the class (finally) went to..... the Prater!! (whoooo) They were really excited, to say the least and during the rides (subway and buses), they talked about which rides they wanted to go on and things they wanted to do. After they arrived, they excitedly rushed inside (well, not inside, but, you know what I mean). (I don't remember if you have to pay for entrance, but if you do, then they did.)

The girls went straight to the ghost train ride thingy. Peggy's idea. Though, it was much to Aaron's dismay. He actually wanted to go on somewhere alone with Theo, could confess his feelings to her (yup, cliché), but Theo promised him that she would do something with him afterwards, so he waited. Then, Thomas and James (M) went on the "Discover" together. George, Sam and Lee went to get food. James (R) was off somewhere flirting with girls. And the Hamilsquad discussed what to do. 

"Let's go to the chain carousel!" Laf suggested. The others shrugged. "I dunno, maybe later, but we should do something more exciting than that first." Herc said, making Laf sigh. They walked around a bit, when something caught Alexander's eyes. He than said "We should totally go on the roller coaster!" Herc and John agreed, not knowing where else to go. "Laf, you coming?" Herc asked. The french fry shook his head. "Non, I'll wait here..." he said. The other boy looked at his boyfriend worriedly. "You're not mad about the chain carousel thing, are you?" Laf, again, shook his head. "Of course not. I just don't like montagnes russes..." he said.

While the rest of the squad walked away, Lafayette asked "John, are you sure you wanna go?" The freckled boy hesitantly nodded his head. "Alright then..." and with that, the boys left. As the others were waiting, Laf pulled out his phone and looked at some MEEEEEMEEEEES to waste some time, when a guy walked up to him. "Hey there, beautiful. What's someone like you doing here all alone?" The guy asked. Laf looked at him. "I'm... waiting for my friends and-" The guy cut him off. "So, wanna wait together, mon chéri?" he asked. The french boi was weirded out. "S'il vous plaît ne pas m'appeler 'ton chéri'. J'ai un ami..." he said, assuming the other man spoke french. "What did you say, baby doll?" Our fench fry was now done with the man's bullshit. He stood up and said "LEAVE. ME. ALONE." and with that he walked away.

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