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Prompt: Alex and John being witches/wizards.

It's, like, a magic school AU, but I'm really sorry, it's not Hogwards AU. Mainly because I never watched/read Harry Potter. *Fades away* I'm sorry Marie and Marleneeeeeeeeeeee................... It's kinda based off of Harry Potter's Hogwards but also Little Witch Academia's Luna Nova.

(IDK if this has been made before) (who knows, maybe I'll turn this into its own book one day) (I mean, I probably will, but I don't know when)

Alrighty mighty, let me explain this world a bit: Miranda High (Creative, I know) was a school where magic was taught, along with other boring normal subjects. Everyone could attend this school: People who had magic running in their family and people who hadn't. Some of the subjects taught were: Potion making, spells, broom flying, magic's history and monster and demon studies. There were also different kinds of magic: dark magic, neutral magic and good magic. How to divide them: It's dark magic if: It causes others pain/harm, it's used for evil, it has to do with summoning evil forces (e.g: demons), it forces people to do things against their will. E.g: Murder. It's neutral magic if: It has neither a good or bad effect on the people and the world surrounding one's self, it only affects one's self. E.g: Changing your appearance. It's good magic if: it helps heal/numb the pain of someone else, it's used for good/fighting evil, it's used for another person's well-being. Usually, people attend this school for 8 years (except for the drop-outs). After the first 4 years, each student can choose one of the above mentioned subjects to specialize on. Sure, they'd have to learn the other subjects too, but this one the most. What's the difference between having it as a normal class and specializing? Well, usually, in potion making, students would learn the basics of making potions and how to make basic ones (there's still a lot, though) and they learn about all the ingrediants and all that, but when specializing, they learn more complicated and weird potions. Then there's spells. There are a lot of spells that are taught in normal class already, but in specialized class, they learn very rare, complicated and sometimes even dark spells. Usually before trying a spell out, the teacher would explain by whom and when this spell was made. Next was broom flying. It's only a struggle at the beginning, but after that, the students are free to just fly aroud on the brooms, but only on school grounds (or school airs), but in specialized class, they would learn techniques and make races and all that. Next up is magic's history. It was pretty much the same in normal and specialized, or was it? The people who specialized on history were taken to some of the past events, as invisible ghost, that is, and could witness them with their own eyes. Last but not least, monster and demon studies. They were taught about monsters and demons and how to fight them or at least deal with them in other ways, but when specializing, the students were able to actually see and fight those creatures. About the dorms: There were always four people in one dorm room. Girls and boys had different dorms, so they wouldn't get the idea to do the frick-frack. It didn't matter how old they were or what subjects they specialized in. Well, with the ages, it was children from the years 1-4 and 5-8, which are called middle school and high school stage. I mean, it would be weird if a 10 year old was in a room with a bunch of 18 year olds, now would it? When four people are in one room together they stay like that till graduation. Unless of course, one of them drops out, graduates or gets into the high school stage. When that happens, they are mixxed with other rooms to which this happened. (If you have questions, please ask :3) (Oh god, this alone is over 600 words)

Now to our boys: They were all in their 4th year at the school. They all had different plans on specializing: Alex: Magic's History. John: Potions. Laf: Spells. Herc: Monster and Demon Studies.

Alexander, John, Lafayette and Hercules where sitting in potions class, listening to the teacher explained how to make the potion. It was a sleep potion and the students were supposed to try them out in pairs of two. If it worked, they just had to wake the other person up. As the teacher, Mister Adams, was explaining, Alex's concentration shifted away from class. He started thinking about everything that made him get distracted, y'know, as you do in a boring class.

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