( :O Do my eyes deceive me? Is this Something 29?! Oh my god! [Idk what I'm doing folks.] Sit back and enjoy I suppose.)
Jasmine: You're in my world now, not your world, and I got friends on the other side.
EBE (Everybody else): She's got friends on the other side~
Alex & ???: (I find delight in the gruesome and grim~)
Jasmine: Sit down at my table, put your mind at ease.
Jackie & Mystery: (I put a spell on you, and now, you're mine~)
Jasmine: If you relax, it will enable me to do, anything I please.
Jack: I can read your future.
Jacob: (Be prepared~)
Jack: I can change it 'round some too.
Scarlet: (Trust in me~)
Jasmine: I'll look deep into your heart and soul.
Twins, Taylor, and ???: (Poor, unfortunate souls~!)
Jasmine: Make your wildest dreams come true.
Twins, Taylor, and ???: (So sad, so true.)
Jasmine: I got voodoo, I got hoodoo, I got things I ain't even tried!
Jackie: (...-ied!~)
Jasmine: And I got friends on the other side.
Jackie: And if you aren't shaking, there's something very wrong, 'cause this might be the last time you here the Boogie Song.
Alex: (Woah~)
EBE: (Woah~)
Alex: (Woah~)
EBE: (Woah~)
Alex: Woah~
???: (There isn't a boy, who won't enjoy.)
Jackie: Oh, I'm the Oogie Boogie Man!
All: Beware, take care, he rides alone!
Jacob: This vampire bat!
Taylor: This inhuman beast!
Jacob & Taylor: He ought to be locked up and never released!
All: He swears to the longest day he's dead, he'll show them that he can get ahead!
Cake & Jack: The world was such a wholesome place until~
Alex: He had a plan to shake things up, and that's the gospel truth~
Jasmine: Are you ready?
Alex: (Like fire.)
EBE: (Are you ready?)
Alex: (Hellfire.)
Jasmine: Are you ready?!?
Alex: (This fire in my skin.)
EBE: (Are you ready?!)
Jasmine: Transformation central!
Taylor: (Yes it is he, but not as you know him.)
EBE: (Transformation central!)
Jasmine: Reformation central!
EBE: (Reformation central!)
Twins, Taylor, and ???: (Read my lips, and come to grips with reality.)
Jasmine: Transmogrification central!
Jasmine: Can you feel it?
[You're changing, you're changing, you're changing alright!]
Jackie: Far for the ones, who abandoned you, chasing the love of these humans-
Scarlet: (Love is an open door~)
Mystery: (Ahhh~)
Jackie: Who made you feel wanted.
???, Taylor, and Alex: (Because they guzzle up the things you prize.)
Jasmine: I hope you're satisfied. But if you ain't, don't blame me.
Cake: Don't forget it.
Jackie: Don't forget it.
Twins & Cake: Don't forget it!~ You'll regret it!~
Jacob: This land we behold-
Taylor: This beauty untold-
Scarlet: A man can be bold-
Jacob, Taylor, and Scarlet: It all can be sold!
Jackie: As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating!
Alex & Jasmine: And you can blame my friends on the other~ Side!~
EBE: (You got what you wanted! But you lost what you had!)
Alex & Jasmine: Shhh~(Welp. I finished. Tell me what you want me to do next. Until then, goodbye!)
(And one last thing.)
(Him mute.)