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Look what the Muffin Man gave me. Lol.
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I was Joshua and I was the Good Psychic. (Remember the Good part.)
We talked for a bit. I had suspicions of Jackson, so I chose to check him when night time came.
Day comes and it's revealed that he's Evil.
I pass him a note saying to come with me. He does.
I lead him to a room and tell him I know he's Evil. I then tell him I won't tell anyone. He says, "Okay." I then reveal that I'm the Good Psychic.
We join with the others. We chat for a bit.
I look behind and Jackson disappeared. He lost connection I'm assuming.
Voting time comes and we vote out someone. I don't remember who.
I decided to check Lukey that night. Day comes, and I see that Lukey is on the Good Team. Lukey was the Muffin Man.
We chat. Dvir tried to accuse John. Voting came and Haneen died which shocked me.
I decided to check John that night.
John Is Good.
So John was good. A survivor if I'm correct.
I tell Lukey and John that I knew they were good. I think it was either Aphrodite or Quinn who butted into the conversation.
I tell them that I'm the Psychic, and that both John and Lukey were Good.
Dvir and Aphrodite accused Quinn. John said he would go afk and went to a corner.
Voting comes, and Aphrodite goes. Quinn was saying that she was being framed.
I decided to check Quinn. I had a suspicion that she was right about being framed.
Quinn is Good.
I tell the others that Quinn is Good and being framed. She thanked me. Quinn was the Savior if I'm correct.
Either Arielle or Dvir was Evil. It was a fifty/fifty.
Arielle kept saying she was a survivor. We didn't really listen and voted her off.
He was, in fact, a survivor.
I check Dvir. It was obvious he was Evil, but even then, I checked him.
Dvir is Evil.
I tell the others that Dvir was Evil. He tried to deny it at first, but gave up. He then realized the rest of us were Good.
John comes back and asked what happened. We informed him what had occurred.
He was a bit shocked, but put it aside.
Dvir revealed he was the Dark Psychic moments before voting time became. It was funny. My counterpart was alive for this long.
He said that he wanted his final moment to be spent dancing with us peacefully, and other stuff I don't remember.
Voting comes. We vote for him.
He then vanished.
Dvir's Journal
####### (Jackson) is Good.
John is Evil.
Quinn is Evil.
Joshua is Evil.We all just laughed at that.
The Good Team has won since no players remain of the Evil Team.
We won.
What do I call this story? Circling the Sixth: The Two Psychic's.
Should I make a book telling my Fllicker stories? If you want me to do anything else then tell me what you want. Until then, goodbye!