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i've been staring at the wall with a blank expression all day, just thinking about jasper.

"maryah, are you okay?" my aunt asks and i sigh, shrugging.

"i just miss him, that's all." i shake my head softly and she tilts her head to the side.

"ask your soulmate some questions to distract yourself." she smiles and i sigh.

i don't want to use him, i really don't.

"what are your plans for the day?" i ask, trying to start a conversation with harry.

"i'm staying home, what about you?" he asks and i roll my eyes, wishing our roles were reversed.

imagine being famous, couldn't be me.

"i have to go to the doctor." i sigh, and i hear him laugh softly. "i'm glad you think it's funny." i roll my eyes and i hear him gasp.

"do you have an attitude?" he teases me and i shake my head.

okay maybe a little bit, but what's new? anyone that knows me personally, knows that i come with an attitude.

"no, i just think it's funny how you wouldn't be laughing if you were in my shoes." i respond, standing up from my desk and fixing my hair.

"well me trying to fit my feet into your shoes would be funny." he laughs again and this time i laugh too.

okay, that joke was funny, i'll give him that.

"you're not funny." i shake my head and he laughs harder.

"yeah, right."


"hey, i couldn't help but come over here and tell you that you're beautiful." a tall brunette boy smiles, sitting beside me in the waiting room of the doctors office.

you've got to be kidding me. the last thing i need is a guy in my life. yeah, harry is here but i'm literally stuck with him.

"thank you." i smile, hoping he'll walk away. he stays beside me and speaks again.

"here's my number." he reaches into his pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper and handing it to me.

i don't throw it at him. i don't rip it up. i just bear it and grin.

"thanks, i'll call you." i lie, grabbing the paper and hoping that he will leave now. he finally stands up, walking away as harry speaks.

"what was that?" he asks, obviously referring to the conversation i just had.

great, he's jealous. i wish there was a way to turn my brain off. it's not fair, it doesn't work most of the time anyways.

or at least not when it's necessary.

when i'm trying to sleep though, that's when it shows some real speed. when it's the middle of the night, that mother fucker starts racing like it's going to win the piston cup.

"nothing." i lie, not wanting to start drama between us. i highly doubt he'll care about a boy giving me his number but i don't want to take any chances.


"hello?" i've been sitting in my room for a few hours now, trying to think of good conversation starters.

yeah maryah, be a basic bitch again. how about you put on an anklet and some checkered vans?

"i've missed you." harry answers, a smile evident in his voice. i feel butterflies erupt in my stomach and i try my best to ignore them.

no maryah, don't get attached. don't you dare.

"how can you miss me? you don't even know my brother's name." i smirk, knowing that i'm setting him up for failure.

i attempt to push him away and he doesn't move. he stands his ground.

"well, what's his name?" he asks, making me think that he might actually care about me.

"trick question, i have two brothers." i laugh and he quickly responds.

yes, the 'f' in 'woman' stands for 'funny.'

"you set me up." he gasps and i shake my head in denial.

he reminds me of jasper. just his energy and personality.

"well technically i set up the trap, you just walked right into it." i smile, feeling content with my scheme.

jasper would've laughed at my joke. he laughed at all of my jokes.

"that's not fair." he scoffs and i laugh again, rolling my eyes.

"life's not fair." i shrug, ending the conversation.


"what's your favorite one direction song?" harry asks, finally breaking the silence.

there's no way this guy is really asking me another one direction question.

"fool's gold, what about you?" i answer, knowing that i probably play that song at least six times a day.

it's an underrated song and i stand by that. fool's gold deserves more rights.

"i can't choose." he responds, causing me to roll my eyes.

of course not. loser.

"oh my gosh." i sigh, clearly unamused.

he literally just had to name one. even if it isn't his favorite.

"what?" he asks, wondering why i'm not happy with his response.

everything about this conversation.

"you keep dodging my questions." i shrug and he clears his throat.

"no, i just don't have answers for them." he argues and i huff.

of course not.

ask me about my fears, my aspirations, my regrets.

ask me about who i despise and who i admire.

ask me how i like my grilled cheese.

"right." i shake my head, making sure i stop thinking about him so he doesn't hear anything i say tonight.

this soulmate thing just isn't for me.


"what state do you live in?" harry asks, we haven't talked all day and i assume he feels bad for ignoring the question.

of course he would ask me that. he's going to think i'm a redneck. oh no.

"georgia..?" i say as if i'm not sure where i'm from, mainly because i'm scared of what's to come.

"interesting. i'll see you soon." he smiles and i feel my heart fall into the pit of my stomach. harry styles is coming to see me?

oh god what if he shows up on a horse. that would be embarrassing.

for me more so than him.

it's a small town and people talk.

"what?" i ask, not receiving an answer so i assume he's ignoring me.

harry styles is going to see me soon?

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