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"today is going to be chaotic." madison sighs as we walk into the classroom.

she always has these weird gut feelings and she genuinely believes that she's a psychic. at this point i just go along with it.

not because i believe her, but because arguing with her is like telling a cat to stop drinking milk. it's a waste of time.

"what do you mean?" i ask, sitting at my desk.

"i can feel it." she shakes her head. before i can respond, stella turns around and talks to us like we're her best friends.

stella isn't my favorite person but she's also not my least favorite. i don't hate anyone more than i hate myself.

"were you at the harry styles concert last night?" she asks, staring directly at me.

do i lie? i can't, what if she has proof?

"yeah..?" i question my response, scared of what will happen.

this could go one of two ways. one, she leaves me alone and that's the end of it. or two, she asks me more questions, stepping way over the line of comfort.

she obviously goes with the second option.

"so you were the girl in the video." she raises her eyebrows and i feel my stomach do a flip.

"what?" i ask, confused as to what she's talking about.

this has to be a joke. i just my life was going to get easy.

i guess no one that knows stella really has an easy life.

"the video." she shows me her phone and its a clip of harry and i talking last night.

maybe that's what the camera shutter sound was. oh my god i'm not crazy.

"you don't know that i'm the girl." i shake my head, denying the accusations.

"did you get a picture with him?" she asks, whispering.

"no..?" i question my response again.

she can't be serious. i'm not just going to beg him for a picture after he just put all of his energy into a show.

"but you talked to him?" she asks, making me feel like i'm being interrogated.

great. she has me cornered.

why hasn't anyone assassinated her yet? or at the very least, knocked her out.

i'll do it if you pay me. shit, i'll even do it for free.

"well yeah but-" i try to explain the situation before she interrupts me.

"exactly." she flips her hair, turning back around.


today has been filled with questions. mostly from people i don't know.

"harry?" i ask, taking my chances even though i'm not for sure that harry styles is my soulmate.

"yes love?" he replies.

love. he called me love. no. did he? what if i'm going crazy?

"what's going on?" i ask, not sure if i want the answer.

"the paps saw us talking." he sighs and i feel like i'm going to get sick. i don't want to get recognition, much less for being harry's soulmate.

of course they did. i already have so much on my plate, the last thing i need is this shit.

"great." i roll my eyes. barely believing what is happening.


"okay so we need to get you management since you're gaining traction and we don't need you out here running around." my aunt sighs, we've been in her room all afternoon trying to figure out what i'm going to do.

"how do you change your soulmate?" i quickly ask. if i can change my soulmate then i can probably stop gaining attention.

it might be a stretch but i have a feeling it'll work in my favor.

if i change soulmates then i won't get anymore attention and harry will be with a model.

we both win.

"why do you-"

"i just need to know how to change soulmates." i quickly interrupt her, causing her to look surprised.

"i don't think you can..." she shakes her head and i place my fingers on my temples, clearly stressed out.


"you might just have to accept it." harry sighs. i've been in my room talking to myself for the past three hours and he's had to hear every second of it.

"i can't put my life on hold because you're my soulmate." i shake my head, denying his statement.

"it may be your only option."

no harry, it's not my only option. nothing is stopping me from stepping into moving traffic.


the phone has been ringing all night and no one has answered it so i finally get out of bed. i pick it up and click 'accept'.

"hey, grandma?" i ask, worried as to why she's calling so late.

if she fell and dislocated her hip again, i'm hanging up. the last time that happened, it took us way too long to help her.

i love my grandma, don't get me wrong. i just don't like hospitals.

"why are all of these people asking me about you?" she asks, sounding exhausted and confused.

are you kidding me? it just keeps getting worse. i didn't even ask to play the game and i'm losing.

"what?" i ask, feeling my heart rate speed up.

"they're calling and texting my phone and asking if i know you." she explains and i feel my heart break. these people are trying to get in touch with my grandma..?

fuck social media.

fuck soulmates.

"just don't answer any of them." i try to reason with her and she sighs.

"i already did though." she mumbles and i shake my head, quickly hanging up the phone.

now i really wish she had just dislocated her hip again.


"my life is ruined." i stare at the wall, accepting defeat.

"no it's not." harry answers, staying optimistic.

easy for him to say, he doesn't have to worry about much.

"harry i don't have time for this-" i shake my head, beginning to shut him out when he stops me.

"i can help."

of course he can. harry styles always has the right answer.

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