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it's been a few weeks since calum came to see me and life has only gotten worse.

would you like to keep this soulmate?

the words above my head catch me by surprise and i choose 'yes' before leaving for school.


"you look tired." madison bites into he sandwich as we sit at the lunch table and i sigh.

"i didn't sleep."

"why not?" she asks, taking another bite.

"because it keeps asking me if i want to keep this soulmate or not." i gesture upwards and she furrows her eyebrows.

"maybe you glitched the system."

"you think?" i rhetorically ask but she answers anyways.

"it could happen." she shrugs. "tell calum."


"hey calum?" i whisper, sitting on my bed.

"yeah?" he whispers back.

"i think we have a problem." i sigh, "i think i may have glitched the system."

"the soulmate system?" he asks and i nod.


"of course you did." he scoffs and i let out a laugh. "does management know?"

"no. they don't know unless i tell them." i shake my head.

"maybe you should." he offers and i quickly decline.

"are you crazy? you know how they treat me. i can't just-" i argue before he stops me.

"could this hurt you?" he asks and i sigh.


"then tell them." he softens his voice and i roll my eyes.


talking to the moon//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now