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"we just didn't get along very well." harry shakes his head and i roll my eyes.

he called me last night and asked if we could talk since he saw the interview.

"that don't really make a difference." i glare at him and he looks at me, confused.

"you're acting like you didn't ignore me." he argues and i feel like he's blaming me.

" you told me that you needed distance." i argue back and he laughs. 

"what's the deal with you? you're being rude and i-" he tries to explain how he's lost and i interrupt him.

"why are you mad when i get real with you?" i ask, putting him on the spot.

"we could've worked under different circumstances."

"liar." i yell. "i'm just not your type." i call him out on his bull shit and he looks stunned.

"i never liked you as more than a friend." he sighs and i feel my heart break but i stand my ground.

"if that's how you really feel then why did you call last night?"

"because we're friends." his voice cracks and i hold back tears.

"right." i nod. "this conversation is over."

talking to the moon//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now