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"you and harry broke up?" my manager asks, walking into my room as i get ready for my next interview.

"what are you talking about?" i ask, not knowing what is going on.

"he tweeted about it." she tilts her head. "you probably didn't get the notification because he deleted it right after." she shakes her head.

"i'm confused."

"harry tweeted saying that he broke up with you because you're too much to handle." she sighs and i feel my stomach drop.

"so he just tweeted and didn't say anything else?" i ask, holding back tears.

"yeah." she nods. "i wish i could show you but i didn't get any screen shots." she throws her hands up in defeat and i feel like i'm drowning.

"it's okay." i smile softly. "thank you for telling me."


"maryah?" harry says my name and his voice makes my heart skip a beat.

"hey." i whisper, honestly not wanting to talk to him right now.

"are you okay?" he asks and i quickly put on my happy act.

"yeah." i smile.

"well i hope so because today is a good day." he sounds haply and it makes me sick to my stomach.

"why would you say that?" i ask and he sounds confused.

"why wouldn't i-" he begins to speak but i shake my head, stopping him.

"you literally tweeted that we-" i explain but he interrupts me.

"i didn't tweet." he lies and i feel like i'm going to throw up.

"i'm not having this conversation." i shake my head.


"have you asked harry about the tweet?" my manager asks, coming into my room.

i shake my head softly and she takes that as her cue to continue talking.

"good. you have an interview to get ready for." she smiles and i nod.


"maryah please tell me what i did." harry whispers and i catch myself feeling bad for him.

"posted a tweet."

talking to the moon//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now