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"who are these people?" i turn to my manager who is on her phone as people walk into the room that we're sitting in.

"your potential sponsors." she shrugs and i roll my eyes.

"i should probably go introduce myself."


"yeah, and then-" i laugh with the sponsors when my phone vibrates.

harry styles just tweeted: "asking the moon about you tonight."

"are you okay?" the woman i'm talking to asks, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"yeah." i quickly nod, trying to act like i didn't just almost shit my pants.


"that tweet could be about anyone." madison tries to calm me down since i'm about to pass out.

i quietly close my bedroom door so my manager doesn't know i got away.

"yeah but why would he talk about the moon." i try to get her to explain.

"did you talk to him about the moon?" she asks and i sigh.

"i told him the moon knows me better than anyone else..."

"well you should ask him if it's about you." she suggests and i quickly shake my head.

"i can't." i remember that management doesn't want me talking to anyone.

"okay. that's okay. i can talk to him for you." she offers and i feel relief wash over me.

"thank you. just text me what he says."

"who are you talking to?" my manager opens the door.

"madison i have to go." i whisper, hanging up the phone. "no one. i'm just sitting here." my heart is racing.

before my manager can say anything else, my phone vibrates in my hand.

harry styles tweeted: "do you still like fool's gold?"

my jaw drops and i feel my heart flutter. these can't just be coincidences anymore.


"hello? i know you can hear me." a voice whispers and i try to ignore it but my gut tells me to answer them.

"what?" i ask, keeping my voice quiet so no one hears me.

"you never told me either of your brothers' names."

"harry..." my jaw drops.

talking to the moon//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now