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"be honest and don't hesitate to shut down any questions you aren't comfortable with answering." my manager tells me as we walk into the interview and i nod.

she's been giving me advice all day about how to do interviews.

once i sit down, the interviewer begins asking questions.

"are there any tips you have for anyone?" she asks, holding her pen and paper.

well i don't think i even know what to do so i don't know how to answer. i look down at my hands nervously and think before responding.

"you gotta have fun." i answer simply and she writes it down as fast as possible.

"okay we have a few more questions to ask you." she flips through her notebook and i laugh.

well no shit. interviews aren't just one question and that's it.

"let me guess, they're all about harry?" i roll my eyes as she looks at me like a deer caught in headlights.

"this one is, you seem different than what the media makes you out to be." she reads out of her book and i sigh.

of course. the media makes me out to be a bitch, and even though i am a bitch, i try to be nice sometimes.

"well don't get attached to somebody you could lose." i shrug, being honest. i got attached to harry way too fast, mainly because it's natural to be drawn to him.

but in the end i broke my own heart.

"so harry styles used to be your soulmate?" she asks and i nod. "and it says here that you went to his concert?" she points to her book and i nod again.

sadly, these questions are only about harry. i'm not surprised though, i'm just his ex soulmate.

"okay and..?" i ask, challenging her.

"did you two talk?" she looks up at me and i roll my eyes.

this has to be a joke. my whole life is a circus show at this point and it's so unfunny that it's painful.

it's like that show that you buy tickets to see because you feel bad.

"you just want to get a news story to twist my words." i shake my head and her eyes widen.

"no, we just-" she tries to defend herself before i interrupt her.

"i just want you to know that he didn't say anything like 'i love you'." i respond and she quickly writes it down.

i just want to be left alone. i'm tired of hearing about harry. it's been weeks and i can't seem to catch a break.

"well did he say anything rude to you?" she asks and i shake my head.

"harry isn't like that."

i'm telling the truth. anyone that knows him knows that he would never say anything to hurt anyone.

"what do you mean?" she asks, possibly trying to test my knowledge.

"he's not the type to be mean or fall for a stranger. he's not a player." i shut down the rumors about him, completely forgetting about the rumors against me.

i'm not going to sit here and let her label harry as a piece of shit.

"your attitude makes it seem like you know everything about the media?" she asks, leaning back in her seat and i laugh, amused at her surprised look.

"i like to think i do." i shrug, winking before my manager stands up.

"it's time to leave." she holds his hand out and grabs my arm, pulling me away.

her grip is really tight so it hurts a bit but i don't mention it.

"you were supposed to deny rumors about yourself." she finally lets go of my arm.

"i didn't want them to go around talking about harry like tha-" i try to reason with her but she cuts me off.

"no. harry can defend himself. you're a child." she rolls her eyes. her phone rings before she can say anything else and she walks away, answering it.

well i don't like to think that i'm a child. i like to think i'm mature for my age.

so much for being my own person.

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