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"i don't know what i can do to help." madison shakes her head.

we've been trying to figure out who my new soulmate could be all week.

"wait." she gasps. "what if you asked the woman that helped you change your soulmate before for help?" she asks and i smile.

"madison that's the first good idea you've had in so long." i smile grabbing my phone.

"thank you..?" she hesitates, not knowing if my statement is a compliment or not.


"hello?" i speak as soon as the woman answers the phone.

"maryah?" she asks and i automatically explain the situation i'm in, ignoring her question.

"do you know how to get your soulmate's attention? like, how to talk to them?" i ask and she sighs.

"ask their name."

"it's that simple?" i ask, shocked at her answer.

"yes. is that all?" she asks, clearly annoyed.

"yes ma'am i'm sorry. thank you." i smile, ending the call.


"my soulmate is liam payne!" madison says excitedly as i approach her.

"okay that's great, but she told me i have to talk to my soulmate and get them to tell me their name." i respond, not really phased by her statement.

"how are you going to do that?" she asks and i shrug.

"i don't know. i think i might have an idea though." i smirk and she sighs.


"hello?" i ask, waiting for a response.

"hey." a voice with an australian accent responds.

"are you my soulmate?" i ask, intrigued by their accent.

"well i would hope so." they respond and i shake my head.

"you sound familiar." i squint my eyes, trying to think of where i've heard their voice before.

"i get that a lot."

"are you one of my childhood friends?" i ask and they sigh.

"possibly." they whisper and my jaw drops.

there's only a few of my childhood friends that are still alive but i don't remember any having an accent.

"can you tell me your name?" i ask, hoping they'll reason with me and i can get through this faster.

"nope." they respond, a smile evident in their voice.

"of course not." i roll my eyes. they really know how to make my life difficult. "can you at least tell me the first letter?"

"c." they simply state and i start trying to put the pieces together.

childhood friends with names beginning with the letter 'c'.

"cameron?" i ask, he was my first crush in preschool.


"charles?" i guess again, he was always there to get me the best seat at assemblies but he moved away before the fourth grade.

"wrong again."

"charlotte?" i ask teasingly, i don't even know a charlotte.

"okay now you're not trying." they scoff and i laugh at their annoyance.

"calum?" i take my final guess after thinking for a few more minutes. "calum hood..."

i don't get a response and i take that as my confirmation.

talking to the moon//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now