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"how has your day been?" i ask harry, setting my backpack onto the floor.

"good. i sold more albums than i had expected to." i can hear the smile in his voice.

"thats good!" i gasp. "i'm so proud of you." i smile and he laughs.

"sure you are." he sarcastically responds, causing me to get slightly offended.

"i am!"

"what did we discuss?" my manager asks, walking into the room, causing my mood to drop.


"maryah!" stella calls out, following me down the hall. "how do you feel about harry writing those songs about you?" she asks, catching up to me.

"i don't think any of harry's songs are about me." i shake my head and she smirks.

"good. because he said you two are just friends."

"right." i nod, my voice cracking and my heart breaking.


"it's crazy that we're soulmates again." i take my attention off of my homework and focus it onto harry.

"yeah. platonic of course." he responds and i feel my heart shatter.

"right." i agree, not wanting him to know that i might be falling in love with him.


"so, you and harry?" madison asks as she sits on my bed.

"what about us?" i ask, scratching my nose.

"are you and him dating?" she looks at me and i shake my head.

"we're friends."

"maryah." she raises her eyebrows. "your eyes sparkle when you talk about him."

"right." i sarcastically agree, not believing her.


"there's pictures of you with a guy today." harry mumbles, referring to the pictures of me and my chemistry partner going on a study date.

"yeah, cameron, that's my friend." i respond and he huffs.



"you an harry have to be dating." madison shakes her head. she's been arguing with me all day about my relationship with harry.

"we're friends." i shake my head. "whether you believe it or not."

"friends don't look at friends like that."

talking to the moon//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now