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"hello? we haven't talked in a while. i hope you're okay." i whisper softly.

the last time i talked to niall was a few weeks ago. i don't know if he's ignoring me or he's busy but it sucks either way.

"maybe he doesn't want to talk to you anymore." madison shrugs and i get offended by her statement.

"why would you say that?" i ask, taking full offense.

"i'm just saying. sometimes stuff like that happens." she throws her hands up in defense and i roll my eyes.


"okay you don't have to answer me but at least a sign would be nice." i whisper to niall again, hoping for a response.

after a few hours of him not responding, my aunt comes into my room.

"i got this in the mail." she hands me a piece of paper and my jaw drops.

"it says he's not my soulmate anymore." i drop the letter, my heart breaking.


"niall isn't my soulmate anymore." i look at madison, my voice cracking.

"how do you know?" she quickly asks and i shake my head.

"i got a letter in the mail that told me."

"what are you going to do?" she asks and i shrug.

"i don't know." i try to wrap my mind around the fact that i've gotten attached to, and lost, two people in the past month. "why'd i have to go and make things so complicated."

i place my head into my hands, trying to think of a solution.


"maryah are you okay?" my aunt asks, concern written all over her face.

"yeah, i'm alright." i nod, holding back tears.

"you seemed happy with niall." she says, causing my heart to break all over again.

"i was."


before i can think any longer about all the things going wrong in my life, i get a notification.

harry styles mentioned you in a tweet: "does anyone know what's going on with maryah? who is her new soulmate?"

i roll my eyes at the tweet and try to ignore it before realizing that him tweeting about it makes so many people know about it.


talking to the moon//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now