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after the interview the other day, the hate has gotten worse. my management told me to read hate comments to learn how to better myself but i don't know how this is helping me.

"she doesn't deserve anything she has."

"she just ruined her entire life."

"talk about a social casualty."

the comments hurt. not because i'm weak, but because people genuinely agree with them.

if thousands of people love you, it's great. yet if one of those people actually hate you, then it just ruins it.

before i can think anymore, my aunt calls my name.

"maryah, come here!"


"maryah are you listening?" madison asks, getting my attention.

"yeah, i'm listening." i lie, scratching the back of my neck, not having the slightest idea what the topic of conversation is.

i've been having such bad concentration issues recently.

"you look sick, are you sick?" she asks, reaching for my forehead to check my temperature.

"no, i'm alright." i pull away from her.

i hate keeping secrets from her but i don't want her to know that her happy best friend isn't happy anymore.

"have you slept?" she asks, a worried look plastered on her face.

"yeah." i lie again, scared of what she'll say if i tell the truth.

i honestly haven't slept at all the past few days. i'm exhausted but i can't stop reading the hate comments.


"what's your name?" niall randomly asks and i quickly answer him.

"maryah." i respond softly, knowing exactly why he's asking.

"oh so you're THAT girl." he responds and i roll my eyes.

way to give it to me straight.

"yep. that's me." i agree.


"have you heard from harry?" my aunt asks, walking into my room. she has a slight idea about how hard this is for me but she could never even begin to understand.

"no." i shake my head, barely having the energy to move.

my aunt has been checking on me so much recently. i don't know if it's because of everything on social media or everything with jasper.

either way, it's unusual.

"he's talking about you in his interview." she softly says, scared of how i'll react.

"are you serious?" i ask, barely believing her.

why would he go out of his way to talk about me?

"yeah. turn on your tv." she hands me my remote and i quickly turn it on.

"i just think all of the hate needs to stop. maryah didn't do anything wrong. leave her alone." harry states, he sounds angry.

my jaw drops and i turn to my aunt.

"is this live?" she asks and i shake my head.

"i don't know. i think so." i quickly grab my phone, opening our messages.

harry leave it alone, it's
fine. i'm serious.

"she deserves so much better. she changed soulmates for me, not for herself." he keeps talking and i feel my heart beat quicken.

"oh my god..." i whisper, not believing it.

"your boyfriend must really like you." madison smirks and i automatically get annoyed.

"he's not my boyfriend." i raise my voice at her and she laughs.

she can't be serious. does she think this is a joke?

"right. that's why he's talking about you to millions of people." she shakes her head and i scoff.

"niall, can you please tell harry to stop?" i ask niall and he responds sooner than i expected.

"he won't listen to me. i'm sorry." he apologizes and i lose all hope of getting harry to keep his mouth shut.


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