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after harry's last song, i decide to walk around the back of the arena and sit down on the ground.

the tour bus is back here even though all of the girls are crowded in the front.

i don't think i'm allowed to be back here but if i get in trouble it'll just spice my life up.

the show was good. harry has a lot of life and happiness when he's on stage.

i stare up at the sky and realize the stars are shining a little bit brighter tonight. before i can fully enjoy the view, my phone vibrates.

how was the show? did
harry see you???

i read the text and sigh softly before responding.

it was good.
and no:(

she responds quickly, almost as if she's sitting at her phone eagerly waiting for a response.

she's always been more invested in my life rather than her own but it's been more chaotic since jasper passed away.

that's okay!! where are
u rn??

she asks that almost as if she's looking for me. if she ended up being here i wouldn't be surprised.

without asking any questions, i answer her honestly.

outside the arena.

this time it takes her a few minutes to respond, giving me time to watch the sky. i set my phone down and lay on my back.

i watch the stars and how they dance across the sky gracefully. not a care in the world. if i could be one thing, it would be a star.

a few minutes go by and she finally texts me back.

have you seen him yet??

she asks, probably already planning my wedding with harry. she's been really pushy with my love life since jasper passed away.

i just want her to back off but if i tell her that then she'll get offended and cry about it.

no, it's okay if i don't.

but he's your soulmate:(

her response makes it seem like tonight is the only chance i'll get to speak to him.

honestly, i don't want him to be my soulmate. i don't deserve to have him as my soulmate.

his type is a skinny victoria's secret model, preferably with blonde hair.

and let's just say i have a bit of fat on me in places that i don't like.

we don't KNOW that.

i try to brush it off. technically he never said his last name and 'harry' is a very common name.


right as i finally begin to enjoy the silence, other than the faint talking and screaming of the other girls, i hear footsteps.

"can i sit here?" a familiar voice asks as someone stands above me.

"yeah, of course." i smile, turning to see harry styles. i don't fan girl since it might scare him and i want him to feel comfortable.

he's had to deal with too much in the past few years anyways.

"what are you doing?" he asks, sitting down beside me.

"talking to the moon." i smile softly, feeling like i don't need a guard up around him.

he hesitates before answering and i honestly expect him to stand up and walk away. it does kind of make me a weirdo to be talking to the sky.

"about how good the show was i hope." he smiles, causing me to laugh.

i shake my head softly and just watch the stars, not responding. after a few moments of silence he speaks again, saying something i don't expect.

"you're beautiful in the moonlight."

i turn to see that he's watching me. i don't know how closely he's watching me or how ling he's been watching me but it gives me butterflies.

"you are too." i smile, causing him to blush.

i turn back to the stars and nervously pull at the grass under me. the silence is comfortable but it's still insane that i'm sitting here with harry styles. before i can ask him if he's my soulmate, he stands up.

"i have to go." he looks down at his phone and despite being a little upset, i smile softly.

great, i might have just missed my chance. i hate having anxiety because it stops me from living my life.

"that's alright. have a good night." i keep my voice soft, a smile appearing on his face.

"i'm sure we'll see each other around." he furrows his eyebrows and i shake my head.

he's a millionaire and i barely leave the house. if we see each other around it'll be a miracle.

"i don't think so." i turn back to the sky and he clears his throat.

"are you sure?" he asks and i nod, smiling at his curiosity.

"i just know." i don't take my eyes off of the sky, scared of looking at him and telling him i think he's my soulmate.

before he responds, i hear a shutter noise like a camera makes. i try to ignore it but i end up looking around. harry seems like he doesn't care.

"can i at least get your name?" he asks, causing me to take my eyes off of the sky; looking at him.


he stares at me in shock for a few moments before a car horn honks.

"harry, come on!" a tall blonde guy calls out and harry hurriedly walks away.

after that i just lay on the ground in silence. my mind racing faster than anything.

did harry styles really just call me beautiful? did i really just have a full conversation with him?

i try to stop thinking but it doesn't work.

there's no way that really just happened. this has to be a dream.

i have to be dreaming.

talking to the moon//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now