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"are you seriously trying to fire me?" my manager asks, not believing what i just said. "you won't get anywhere if you don't have me."

"i'm over this. i'm over you. i'm not going to waste my life away." i shake my head. " this is my independence day. i'm moving on, theres no excuse."

"you don't have a single good reason to be firing me."

"you faked the tweet." i roll my eyes. "i was in love with harry and you ruined that."

"so you're firing me? that's a stretch."

"so sad." i pout my lip out, clearly not interested in her pleas.

"your image will be ruined if you lose me." she argues and i can't help but laugh.

"right." i nod before tapping my chin, fake thinking. "suddenly my picture is looking perfect, since you're not in the frame." i smirk.

"who are you? you have turned into someone that i don't recognize." she shakes her head and i huff.

"you're the one to blame."

"where did this idea even come from?" she asks, distraught.

"i'm making my escape."

"no one is going to take your side over mine." she shakes her head and i laugh.

"that's fine."

talking to the moon//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now