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i sit down in the familiar seat, for another interview. it seems like this is all i'm good enough for nowadays.

"we're happy to have you back for another interview." the woman smiles. "how are you feeling?"

"i'm happy to be back. i'm a bit tired." i smile softly.

"stop smiling so much." my manager growls at me and i notice the interviewer shift uncomfortably.

"have you heard harry's new album, 'fine line'?" the woman asks and i smile, my heart melting.

"yeah." i nod.

"what's your favorite song on the album?" the woman asks and i sigh.

"probably golden." i refer to the song that i relate the most to.

"simple answers only." my manager whispers, reminding me of what we talked about many times before.

"do you think any of the songs are about you?"

"no." my smile fades as i shake my head.

"are you going to see harry when he goes on tour?" she looks up at me from her paper and i remember that he's actually going on tour.

"no. i'm busy." i make an excuse, not wanting to admit that if i saw harry in real life i would have a meltdown.

"do you think you'll see him in the future?" she asks, raising her eyebrows and probably noticing my mood change.

"yeah, i actually-" i begin to answer when i'm interrupted.

"don't answer that question."

"okay. do you think harry is wondering how you're doing or thinking about you?" she asks and i shrug.

"i don't know." i smile softly at the thought of him caring about me.

"could you describe him in one sentence?" she asks and i sigh.

"answer carefully. you know what we practiced." my manager whispers and i take a deep breath before exhaling.

"the one that got away."

talking to the moon//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now