Captivating Beauty

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Leopold's House
Odense, Denmark
8:00 AM

" Have your breakfast then go to do your works, Seth." Mrs. Leopold said to him strictly.

Seth sat on the breakfast table pulling a chair though he had no interest in having breakfast now. Still he couldn't upset his mother. She came back to life once again after so many years of that incident of which he is madly waiting to take revenge on someone.

" What's going on?" Mr. Leopold asked them.

Seth smiled a bit toward his father but Mrs. Leopold didn't even looked at him. Mr. Leopold sighed inwardly. When will she act normal once again?!!! When will she smile at him like before?!! When will that day come?! When?!! It wasn't their fault which happened years back yet they are suffering like this. Do they deserve to suffer like this?!! All the happiness of them just got snatched in a blink after that incident.

" Have breakfast, Dad. Mom has prepared the breakfast today." Seth said to Mr. Leopold who chuckled.

" Sure. If your mom had prepared the breakfast then no one can deny it ever." Mr. Leopold said but Mrs. Leopold didn't say anything.

She kept having breakfast silently without reacting on which her husband and son were saying. They were trying hard to bring her back to life to her normal self but she wasn't interested in this. It's like she wasn't interested in anything in the world. She was not at all connected to anything or anyone anymore. She was like a lifeless body who had no emotions.

" Mom, I am done. I will be leaving now. I am getting late. See you in the evening." Seth said as he kissed on her cheeks. She looked at him without any expression. He was shocked seeing her lifeless gaze at him. He took a deep breath and smiled before walking out of there.

He wiped his eyes once he was out of the house. He was feeling like destroying something. He couldn't bear to see his mother like this anymore. It was hurting him a lot. It was hurting him a lot. He can feel that he was being so desperate to kill that Basta*rd who is responsible for this state of his mother. He so badly wanted to destroy that person who did that to his family.

" Mr. Willow!!!!" He gritted. " Your death is knocking on the door. Your death is calling you, Willow. You will get a horrible painful death. Soon very soon." He said and felt someone kept hind on his shoulder. He turned to see his father and he hugged him at once.

" Seth!!! Control yourself. You are my strong and brave boy!!! You can't break down that easily." His father said and he wiped his eyes.

" I am trying my best but I will have peace once I kill that Willow myself. It will give me peace of mind. Otherwise I can't live peacefully. I need his death. I want him to die." He said and Mr. Leopold nodded.

" You will get that but we have to wait for that for awhile. You will get to do it. But be patient. We can't make a wrong move. It can spoil all the plan of years. He will die but before that he will have to writhe for his death. His life will be that painful. I swear he will go through 100 times more than he has done to us." Mr. Leopold said and he nodded. " Come, let's go. We have a lot to do today. We can't be late for office." Mr. Leopold said.

Seth nodded and got into the car. The car was moving toward Leopold's Corp. and Seth was looking out of the window remembering his childhood which turned into a horrible one just with that one incident. How he wishes that he could change everything happened that day?!! How he wishes he could go back to that day and change things completely. How he wishes that he could wipe that horrible incident away from his life completely!!! But he only knew that it was not possible at all. He knew that very well.

They reached the office and his mood was already spoiled today. He was more irritated when he found his new PA was late on the first day of her in this office. Who the hell has appointed her??! He doesn't want to know that but he knew one thing very well that this is going to be her last day in this office as well. He went to his cabin and started to work after 10 minutes he heard a knock on the door.

" Come in." He said without paying attention whoever it was.

" Good morning, Sir. I am your new PA. Kerry Jensen." Someone said with a sweet and soft voice that made him look up at the person and he found the girl standing before him.

He was mesmerized with her beauty for awhile. She wearing a white buttoned up shirt with a black blazer, black pants. Her honey blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail with a light touch up on her face and it was enough for her to captivate anyone with her inexpressible beauty. He was feeling like she has come out of one of those fairy tales. She doesn't belong to this world. Does she?!!

" Sir!!!" She called him once again. He came back from his imagination. " I am your new PA Kerry Jensen." She said and he chuckled inwardly.

" Have a seat, Ms. Jensen." He said and she sat across him. " So, Ms. Jensen, did you ask Mr. Meyer about the office time properly? I think you are 45 minutes late." He said to her.

" I know, Sir. I am extremely sorry for that. Actually, I had a doctor's appointment early in the morning. And there was traffic on the way to office. I will not repeat the same mistake again." She said to him and he chuckled.

" How can I trust you? Who knows you will come late every day and then give some excuse for that." Seth said to her.

Kerry was a bit irritated now. She started for in time but that Nikki spoiled her mood and wasted her time. For her she is getting scolded by her boss on the first day of her job. Bi*ch!!! She gritted inwardly remembering Nikki.

" I promise, Sir. I will not be late ever again." Kerry said and Seth chuckled.

" Ok, I have your words. Giving you a chance just because you are new here. I don't like unpunctual people. Go to your cabin. Mr. Meyer will help you with your works." Seth said to her and she nodded.

" Ok, Sir." She said and walked out of there.

" Damn!!! She is a captivating beauty." He said to himself shaking his head thinking about the incident earlier. " Concentrate on your works, Seth. Concentrate on your works." He said to himself chuckling.

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