Completely Different

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Royal Palace
Stockholm, Sweden
12:00 AM

She walked out of her room and found it was already dark all around. She sighed deeply. There was a plot roaming around her head but she wasn't able to arrange it. Is she going to get a writer's block??! She has never felt like that before. What's actually happening to her?! She was seriously depressed but never fall in this kind of situation. She thought sleep can help her to refresh her mind but she couldn't sleep until she can arrange her thoughts. She was feeling restless until she finishes her story. Last time she felt like this when she was having treatment for her mental instability after her dear brother's departure. She was so depressed. She was forbidden to write for awhile to give herself a mental relaxation to ensure that she can cooperate with her mind properly. But she thinks it was the worst decision for her to stop writing. She has a doubt that her doctors were also bribed by Rupert. How she hates this man!!!

She walked downstairs and sat on the living room thinking about the situation that she was going through. It was worst for her and she wasn't able to figure out how to get rid of this situation. She walked toward the garden and sat on the swing thinking about the fact how to come out of this state. She was very irritated.

" Your Highness, you here at this hour of night?" She turned to see one of the security guards. " Any problem?" He asked her.

" I am fine. I just wanted to have some fresh air." I said to him. " You go. Do your works and thanks for asking." She said to him. He left nodding.

She looked up at the sky seeing thousands of stars there. She tried to remember how her brother used to show her the stars and tell her that her parents are there. She used to believe every words of his. She used to believe that her parents are there. She was so stupid then. She chuckled at her own thought before wiping her tears.

" I miss you, Philip. Miss you a lot." She mumbled. " You know, your son Irvine, he didn't die that time. He was stolen. He came back, you know. He took your place and handling your duties very well. I am so proud of him. Infact, I am proud of both of the brothers. They reminds me of you. You said when our near and dear leaves us forever they still stays alive in our hearts. You are still alive in my heart. You will be there always and forever. Thank you for being the best brother in the world." She whispered.

" Are you okay?" She heard someone and turned to see who it was. She looked at the person irritatingly.

" What are you doing here?! Are you following me?! What is your motive?" She narrowed her eyes at him and he rolled his eyes.

" My motive is to kidnap you and ask a big amount for a ransom from your family." Adonis said to her in a mocking tone. She rolled her eyes.

" Why are you here then?" She asked him.

" I didn't find that note hanging anywhere that I can't come here." He said and she rolled her eyes.

" Have you ever tried to talk to someone peacefully?! Or you always start with that shower face and grumpy expression with bitter words to kill people without using any weapons? Your words are no less than bullets." She said and he rolled his eyes.

" Then why are you talking to me anyways if you think they are bitter?" He asked her and she rolled her eyes.

" I didn't start to talk to you." She said.

" Ok. I am sorry. I heard you talking to yourself. I thought you sleepwalked here. I was just asking if everything's ok." He said.

" Yeah, I got that it." She said.

" Ok. Then what is that?" He asked her and she twisted her lips.

" You are trying to hit on me." She said and he kept looking at her weirdly for awhile. He thought she has a bit mental issue but now it seems like she has mental disorder which is very severe.

" Oh. Ok. What did I do that you thought like that?" He asked her.

" You hugged me from back this morning." She said and he rolled his eyes.

" You might have not noticed that you and my sister Queen Abigail were wearing exactly same color. I couldn't recognize that it's you cause you both and sane height and body shape. I thought it's my sister. I would explained you in the morning but you didn't give me any chance. I guess you think the person you are talking to can't talk cause you don't give anyone else to talk if you start to talk." He said and she glared at him.

" You want to say that I am talkative?" She asked him.

" I don't want to say that. But I am saying that already." He said and she gritted.

" It's my life my rules. Why would I give you an explanation!!!" She said and walked out of there.

She wanted to have a walk. Though the securities wanted to follow her but she stopped them saying she will be around. He sighed deeply seeing that and followed her.

" Who is following me now?" She asked him.

" You haven't brought the street." He answered her and she rolled her eyes.

She didn't say anything cause it's better walking with someone else then walking alone. They walked randomly for awhile. Suddenly he hold her hand and she looked at him weirdly.

" What happened?" She asked him.

" We should go back now." He said and she followed his gaze only to find a group of drunken men were looking at them weirdly. She rolled her eyes at him.

" Is Mr. Richardson scared of them?! No worries. Princess Edith knows how to defend herself. I will protect you." She said and he rolled his eyes then dragged her by her hand before calling someone.

" You don't have to show off all the time. I am not going to involve in such a stupid things anyways when I have some other option to solve this? I don't do anything by myself. My men will do that for me just in one call." He said smirking at her showing her his phone and she rolled her eyes.

They roamed around for a Suddenly she realized that she was no more feeling suffocating and everything was getting solved slowly.

" I gotta go home now." She hold his hand and dragged him with her.

" What happened?!!" He asked her.

" I got my issue solved." She said and he sighed deeply. Is she crazy fir real??! He shook his head. God knows!!! But she is different from other women he meets. Completely different.

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