Convince Me

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Miranda's POV

I woke up when the landline was ringing and I found my head was blasting like hell. Suddenly I realized that I was having a high fever. I picked the call up.

" Hello!!" I said.

" It's me uncle Ad." I heard his voice and chuckled.

" How the hell have you find me out?" I asked him.

" This is not a big deal. When are you coming back?" He asked me and I smiled.

" Tonight. You better be there in the airport to receive me." I said to him.

" I have to attend a party tonight." He said to me.

" Now that party is more important than me to you? Ok." I said trying to emotionally blackmail him. I bet he was rolling his eyes on the other side of the phone.

" You attend the party. I will manage." I asked him.

" Ok, I will try. Don't whine." He said and I chuckled.

" That's why I love you the most." I said to him and I bet he knew that I was buttering him.

" You are best in buttering someone." He said to me.

" But I really love you a lot." I said to him.

" Ok. I trust you." He said to me. " You take rest."

" I am doing that only." I said to him.

" Ok. I will hung up now. You have rest." He said and hung up.

I was a bit confused why didn't he ask me about what happened in the palace?! I thought he had called me for that. But he just called me to know when I was going back to Denmark!!! Strange. Very strange!!! I got up with my blasting head and went to take a shower. It was a bit relaxing. I came out of there and it was almost the evening. I decided to roam around the city for awhile as my flight was at midnight. I still have time to fix my head spending some time with myself. I was recollecting what happened earlier. I have to stay strong.

Think everything was a nightmare. If this is fate then you have to accept it, Mira. I kept consoling myself.

I am not a girl who will cry a river for a heartbreak. I have dealt with it before. I know what I should do. I was teenager that time that I reacted much but I am no more that immature Mira to react much about that. But the fact is I will not be able to forget Ivan ever and I may not be able to be with someone else ever again. I don't want another heartbreak. A girl can stay alone all her life until they find someone who is perfect in her definition. For me, look doesn't even matter. Beauty, Money and Youth are not constant in life but a pure soul is. I think I liked the kindness and generosity of Ivan more than his appearance. When he said that no matter what he couldn't hurt Claire for his own good that really touched my heart. I sighed deeply.

I thought if I confess my feelings it will destroy our friendship. It was a nightmare for me and I think my nightmare came true. I was so scared of our friendship that it will be spoiled and it really get spoiled. After all these happened there is no way we could be good friends once again like before. I shook my head. Never ever.

It started to rain out of nowhere and I entered the cafe nearby. I was still slightly warm though I was feeling better after taking the shower. I sat on the corner and ordered my coffee. I was watching the raindrops on the glass wall of the cafe and suddenly someone pulled the chair and sat across me. I looked at the person and I found it was Ivan. I was shocked seeing him there but didn't let him know. I didn't react at all. I looked back at the glass watching the rain.

" Where were you last night?" He asked me out of nowhere. I didn't answer his question. I didn't think it was important to answer such a stupid question.

" What are you doing here?" I asked him as I found the cafe was almost empty.

" Where should I be then?" He asked me.

" Enjoying your time with your fiance." I shrugged sipping my coffee and he face palmed himself.

" You really thought I will marry Princess Giselle?" He asked me.

" There is no reason for not thinking about it. You said that clearly yesterday." I said sipping my coffee. " To prove your words you gave me the wedding invitation as well."

" And you never opened the invitation card to check it, right?" He asked me.

" It wasn't that important for me. I have something else to do as well." I said to him.

" That's why.. well.." he called someone and one of the security guards appeared.

I was a bit confused why people aren't reacting seeing Prince Ivan in a cafe like this. Then I realized they might be his friends. I rolled my eyes.

" Check this." He gave me the same invitation card he handed me yesterday. I tossed it back to him.

" No need." I said to him. I sighed deeply.

" I wasn't going to marry, Princess Giselle. It's Nolan and Giselle's wedding. You haven't checked the bride and groom names here." He said and I kept looking at him for awhile.

" Why is she marrying him?" I asked him.

" Cause, she is pregnant with his baby. He doesn't want to lose his child as well." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" You guys have forgiven him that easily?" I asked him.

" We don't have anything to do with this but my mother loved him a lot before. She gave him a last chance and they are not going to stay here in Sweden as well. They will move to Belgium after the wedding." He said. I rolled my eyes.

" Then why was I told that Prince Ivan was getting married to Princess Giselle?" I asked him.

" Actually... I was very depressed after receiving your wedding invitation. I almost gone crazy when I told everyone that I will marry Giselle. But she didn't agree with that and I really didn't want to marry her. I was just trying to make you jealous so that you reach me for an explanation and I can kidnap you. But as your wedding got cancelled I didn't need to execute my plans. When I handed you the invitation card I thought you will check it immediately and throw it on my face but you didn't." He said.

I gritted and walked out of there. He did it on purpose?! I was dying here and he thought it was funny!!! I walked out of the cafe in between the heavy shower. He followed me.

" Miiiiiiiirrrraaa!!!" He called me from back and hold my hand. 

" Don't call me that." I said to him pulling my hand out of his grip.

" I am sorry. I didn't think these all will happen." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Sorry can't buy anything. I am not going to marry you ever." I said to him.

" I am sorry. That's not going to happen ever again." He said.

" Not so convincing. Keep trying. May be one day you will be successful." I said to him leaning before pulling his collar and pecking on his lips softly and pushed him away. This is just the start, babe. You shouldn't do that with me. I will make you go crazy now. "Convince me, Prince Ivan." I said to him smirking at him as I winked at him teasingly.

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