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"An-Annyeong Mina ssi. H-How are y-you?" Chaeyoung approached Mina who was just chilling under the tree alone in the garden of their university.

When Mina saw the small girl her mood immediately dropped. One thing she didn't like about this university apart from the homework and assignments is Chaeyoung. Son Chaeyoung who was openly gay and who has a crush on Mina.

"What the hell do you want idiot?" Mina asked in a stern voice. She was already getting pissed by the younger's presence.

"No-nothing. I just wanted to say hi."

"Ok done? Now fuck off midget."  Mina sounded angry.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you angry. I just wanted to give you a gift. Here." Chaeyoung handed Mina a bag and a bouquet of roses. Mina just stared at it. She was about to say something but then her boyfriend just threw the bag on the floor and pushed Chaeyoung to the floor.

"Make that gay ass of yours stay away from my girlfriend." Bambam shouted.

"I -I just wanted to gi-give her this." Chaeyoung said and gave Mina the flowers. Mina just took them but then threw it on Chaeyoung's face.

"I don't need your stupid gifts. I told you I don't like you. I like him, BamBam. He is my boyfriend so get the fuck away from us you gay ass motherfucker." Mina said as she got up and pushed Chaeyoung.

"Why though. Am I that bad Mina? Can't you see how much I love you?" Chaeyoung said as tears streamed down her face.

"Why you ask? Cause one you are GAY. I hate them. Two cause you are weak and three because I just hate you." Mina said as she walked away while clinging onto Bambam.

Chaeyoung ran to the school terrace. It was her safe haven . No one goes up there. She went up there and cried. Tears flowed like a river. She couldn't stop them. She had loved Mina so much, given her all of her love. Given everything to her. "Was that not enough Mina. I gave you everything. Was it still not enough?" Chaeyoung cried and cried. Then it started raining. "Seems like we both are sad, aren't we?" Chaeyoung said as she talked to the clouds. Then she decided to go to class. Although she was soaking wet she had extra change of clothes. She was the heading to the locker room when she encountered Mina and her boyfriend, Bambam. The we're making out near the locker room. When they saw her they immediately smirked.

"Look who we have here. If it is not the Gay." BamBam said.

"Leave me alone." Chaeyoung said after having enough of their bullshit. She then began walking towards the locker room. But BamBam pulled her and made her hit the wall. Her back hit the wall which caused severe pain.

"Don't fucking talk back like that you bitch. You will regret your behaviors." BamBam said.

Tears began to flow out of her eyes. She couldn't get off of Bambam's grip. She was too weak for him.

'Guess I am weak after all. Just like Mina said.' Chaeyoung thought and smiled bitterly at herself but BamBam thought different. He thought she was mocking him and punched her in her face which cut her lips and she started bleeding.

"Bam what the hell? Why did you do that?" Mina asked shocked by his actions.

"Mina couldn't you see she was smiling at me almost mocking me. This bitch thinks she is strong as hell. Well I was just proving her wrong." BamBam said.

"Bam let's just go. Leave her here." BamBam and Mina left Chaeyoung on the floor. Mina did look back to see if the younger is doing fine. Chaeyoung then spoke for the last time.

"Fuck off both of you. Myoui Mina, I don't know what I have ever done to you for you to become this angry with me. I loved you with all my heart. I gave you my everything yet you do this to me. But not anymore. I am done being a fool. I am done loving you for god's sake. I hate you Myoui Mina and your stupid boyfriend." Chaeyoung shouted and went inside the locker room. Mina felt a sting in her heart. She didn't know why she felt it but she just shrugged it off.


It has been a week since the incident. Chaeyoung began to forget about Mina. Although it was really difficult for. You can't forget the person you love easily can you? But she did her best. With the help of her friends she is slowly healing.

They were all sitting in the class. It was the first period today. Mina and BamBam and his gang at the back while Chaeyoung and her friends in the middle near the window. The teacher then entered the class.

"So students. We have a new student joining the school from today. I am expecting all of you to behave and treat her well." The teacher then looked at the door. "You may come in and introduce yourself."

Then a girl entered the class. All the students at once were looking at her in awe. They were all attracted towards her.

"Annyeonghaseyo. I am Somi, Jeon Somi. I am new here. I hope you guys treat me well and we can be friends." She finished. All the students cheered for her.

"Ok Somi. You may take your seat anywhere." The teacher said. There were a lot of empty but she walked straight to Chaeyoung. All the students looked at Somi and now smiling Chaeyoung. Some instantly ship those two but some were jealous and in that crowd there was one pair of eye as well. Myoui Mina.

Chaeyoung's PoV

"I didn't know you would be joining here." she told Somi.

"What? You are not happy to see me?" Somi said pouting and acting sad.

"Yah. Don't. You look ugly. But no I am very happy to see you. I missed you a lot."

"Awww cub. I missed you too. In fact I missed all of them as well." Somi said pointing at Chaeyoung's other friends.

"Haha ok. Let's just get on with the class now. We can talk after this." Chaeyoung said.

"Sure cub." Somi said as she pulled Chaeyoung's cheeks. Mina saw this and was glaring at them. She didn't know about her feelings but she knew she hated the sight.

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