Cliff camp

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They had been travelling none stop for all most two days before they found a suitable campground for the night

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They had been travelling none stop for all most two days before they found a suitable campground for the night.

Thorin gives each their own task, dinner is cooked for the company by Bombur, Hali makes sure each of the dwarves, the hobbit and Gandalf have eaten before she takes her own small share. "Gods what I wouldn't do for some nectar right about now" she groans while leaning beside Fili and Kili in front of the fire, "you mean like fruit or honey nectar?" Questions Kili very confused "no it's a drink from my home that would not do a dwarf any good unless they had a godly parent, see I'm not from middle earth I come from the city of Manhattan in New York State apart of the United States of America a continent of Earth my home. See I am a demigod meaning I have one mortal parent and one immortal parent mine just happens to be the god of the sea Poseidon he's a Greek god" Hali rambles on explaining all the things and heritage of herself and her home to the two young princes and they look on with much interest but it is broken by the howl far off into the distance, it startles poor Bilbo and wakes Thorin from his already restless sleep along with half the company that had fallen asleep so early.

"What was that" muttered Bilbo as me made to move closer to Gandalf and away from the ponies. "Orcs, throat cutters, they creep up in the middle of the night" Kili jokes snickering beside his brother and the horror written on Bilbos face, "you know nothing of the world" their uncle hisses at them before taking post on the cliffs edge. "I am sorry uncle" Kili whimpers looking down casted, "don't mind him laddie he had more reason than most to hate orca" Balin consoles as he also beings the tail of the Young Prince, " after our loses at Erebor King Thror lead a final charge upon the gates of Moria but our enemies had reached them first. The pale orc started by beheading the king as for Thrain missing, dead or gone mad with grief we did not know but that was the day I saw that the line of Durin would not so easily be broken. Wearing retched armour and wielding an oaken branch as a shield the young prince took up arms against our enemy and that day I knew there was one I could call king" Balin stares at Thorin's back.

"What of the pale orc" Bilbo asks timidly "That filth died of his wounds long ago" Thorin's rough voice calls before he slips back into his bed roll for the night as the others do. Gandalf, Balin and Hali all share a look before Hali bids Bilbo to sleep with the others and as they all wrap themselves among their blankets the first notes of a song fall from Hali's lips.

When the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain
And the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain
In the shadow of the forest, though she may be old and worn
They will stare unbelieving at the Last Unicorn

When the first breath of winter through the flowers is icing,
And you look to the north and a pale moon is rising
And it seems like all is dying and would leave the world to mourn;
In the distance hear her laughter
Of the Last Unicorn

I'm alive... I'm alive...

When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning
And the future has passed without even a last desparate warning
Look into the sky where through the clouds a path is torn
Look and see her how she shimmers, it's the Last Unicorn
I'm alive... I'm alive... I'm alive!(x2)

Hali sings the lullaby to calm the poor nerves of the hobbit and the company who fall into slumber as her gentle voice fades out on the carrying winds.

Upon another ridge their hunters watch them with growing smirks as they rush back to tell their master.

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