Can't Even Think Straight [boyxboy]

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                “Mmm, that ass,” I said, my eyes staring hungrily.

                “Jeez Evan, don’t drool too much,” Rory said, rolling his eyes at me.

                I wiped at my mouth, not taking my eyes off the perfect ass a few feet away from me. I watched as he straightened up, searching his locker for something. Man I hoped he never found it. This view was too great.

                “Evan, if he turns around, he’s going to see you,” Rory warned.

                I forced my eyes away and pouted at Rory. “Why do you have to ruin things for me? This is why we can’t have nice things!” I whined.

                “Just trying to protect your whole straight guy image,” Rory said with a shrug.

                I pouted more and snuck a quick glance over, growing sad when I saw that he had disappeared. Dammit. Way to freaking go Rory. I had been enjoying myself and my view!

                “Come on. Let’s go to lunch,” Rory said, standing up and offering his hand to me.

                I took it and he pulled me to my feet before releasing my hand. We made our way to the cafeteria and sat down at our usual seats. The rest of our table wasn’t there yet, the slow bastards.

                “Hey, here he comes,” Rory said, nodding.

                I immediately looked up and wiped my mouth to make sure I wasn’t drooling. His face was even better than his ass!

                He and Murphy were walking towards up, talking. He was laughing at whatever Murphy was saying to him.

                “Murphy is moving in on my man,” I growled.

                “Yea, except for the fact that he and Murph are best friends,” Rory pointed out, biting into a sandwich.

                “Stop trying to enjoy a sandwich when someone is moving in on my property! That ass, face, and body are mine, mine, mine!” I cried angrily.

                “Whose ass, face, and body are yours?”

                I jumped and looked up at Murphy. He gave me a curious stare before him and his “best friend” sat down across from me.

                I blushed slightly and cleared my throat. “Ah…no one. Nothing. Nope. Nu-uh. Don’t worry about it. Inside joke,” I said, as smooth as ever. Yea, my nickname was Mr. Smooth McSwagdaddy the third.

                “Right,” Murph said, nodding in confusion.

                He turned to his “best friend” and a smile returned to his face. “So like I was saying, she turned to him after and told him about Alicia,” he said, causing his “best friend” to start laughing again.

                Ugh. Even his laugh was sexy!

                “Rory,” I whined in his ear. “Make them stop!”

                Rory sighed and looked up. “So, Murph, what did you think of the test in math today?” he asked.

                Murphy turned to Rory and the two became engaged in conversation as the rest of our table began to show up and sit down. Someone else caught my man’s attention and I used the time to admire how extremely attractive he was.

Can't Even Think Straight [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now