Glory in Death

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Disclaimer: This is my second story, and I hope all of you who read it will enjoy. I own none of the artwork involved in this story, nor do I own any of the franchises involved. Glory to the Emperor of Mankind.

Planet Vraks 830.M41

Artillery, rockets, broken bodies and destroyed vehicles, this was the scene laid out before the men of Krieg, the men of the 261st Siege Regiment. They stood ready, ready to die and atone for the sins of an era long gone, one of these men was Guardsmen 55515, he had no name but he had a purpose, to kill the heretic or die, there was no other option as his life was forfeit the minute he was born. He stood alongside his brothers of Krieg, all of them staring straight ahead as they waited for the order to charge towards the citadel and all that could be heard was the muffled and raspy breathing from his mask. A shrill whistle overtook the trench landscape as the men rushed up over the trench towards the broken walls leading to the citadel, 55515 followed without hesitation as he and others like him charged across the barren wasteland, running into and over bomb craters, passing by heaps of flesh that were once humans and the ever burning hulks of vehicles. Explosions rocked the landscape, sending debris and human alike flying, but the men of Krieg did not stop and kept charging forward. A fellow guardsmen in front of 55515 was ripped apart by heavy bolter fire, he kept sprinting forward without so much as a glance towards his fallen comrade. He reached a trench line and jumped in, leading with his bayonet which impaled into the chest of a Vraksian traitor, jerking the bayonet free with a spray of blood he would turn and fire his Lucius Pattern Lasgun into the chest of another enemy, blowing a smoldering hole through the traitor. Turning quickly he would have enough time to block an enemy from running him through with a bayonet, using his momentum he would slam his head against the unprotected traitors face, sending the scum to fall against the trench wall. Before the traitor could retaliate, a bayonet is driven through his throat, causing him to wheeze out in pain as blood flowed from the wound and the mouth of the traitor, a quick jerk and ripping motion decapitates the enemy fighter. Surveying his surroundings, 55515 notes that many of his fellow guardsmen have overtaken the trench, not waiting for further orders he charges forward once more along with the rest of them, the breached walls of the citadel within their very grasp. Reaching the walls, they were meant by fierce opposing fire from the enemy, which they returned in kind, grenades were thrown freely by both sides as they wished to dislodge and outright eliminate one another. Taking careful aim, 55515 relentlessly fired into any traitor he could set his sets on while rushing forward towards the fortifications set up by the enemy, a las bolt slammed into the flak pauldron on his left side, making him stumble as the bolt didn't go all the way through. No reprieve was given as more las bolts flew around him, yet he still charged forward alongside the others. Overtaking the fortification, the men continued to push forward as heavy weapons teams were brought up to secure the breach, the men were not able to make it far, the trump card of the enemy made itself known as traitor Astartes wearing colors of Khorne charged forth alongside Daemon Engines. The men of Krieg fought without fear as they fired and fired at the oncoming heretics and abominations of the Warp, nothing seemed to stop them. Firing away at the oncoming enemies, 55515 saw many of his fellow guardsmen be torn apart and killed mercilessly by the abominations before him. Arming a grenade he would throw it towards the abominations before full on charging forward at a traitor Astartes, picking up a discarded Krak grenade he would throw it towards the Astartes, the explosion erupting and putting the traitor Astartes on the ground. This small victory was not to last, pain unmeasurable erupted across 55515's body as he was sent flying into a trench from an explosion caused by a Daemon Engine firing a rocket at him.
Landing in the trench, 55515 coughs up blood while laying on his back and given the damage done to his body there is no doubt he will die, grasping around frantically he finds a discard las pistol belonging to an officer, the hand was still attached to the grip of the pistol but the hand was attached to nothing. Prying the hand off, he slowly crawls backwards before finding himself leaning against crates of ammunition. Slowly bleeding out from various wounds, he shakily raises the las pistol as traitors jump back into the trench. He fired the las pistol at one enemy, sending the bolt through the traitors head and exploding it. A bolt flies and hits him in the chest, causing even more damage to him. The pistol almost falls from his hand as his strength is fading more and more, he looks at the enemies closing in to finish him off. Realizing he predicament, he points the las pistol at one of the crates and fires. Closing his eyes, he waits for the inevitable as the explosion from the ammunition crate sends him into the darkness while ripping apart those inside the trench. 55515 finally obtained that which every guardsmen of Krieg wanted, peace and atonement in death.... Or so he thought.

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