Late night calls Charli

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Your POV

I was getting ready for bed when my phone rang I answer it not looking at the contact.

"Hi bubs" I heard Charlis soft voice talk through the phone. I look at the screen to see Charli with a messy bun and glasses on.

"Hey whatcha doing" I say while putting my hair up in a bun and grabbing my glasses since I took them off before I was going to sleep.

"I'm about to go to sleep" she yawned "what about you" she asks.

I grab my phone and bring it into the bathroom and stand it up while I wash my face. "I'm getting ready to go to bed too" I smile lightly.

She yawned "how was you day since we couldn't see eachother today" she mumbles.  " eh it was ok" I reply while shrugging. "What do you mean by ok" she asks while raising her brow.

"It wasn't bad but it wasn't good, I really wanted to see you" I say we didn't get to see eachother because she had meetings. I walk out if the bathroom " how about you" I ask.

"It was good but Dixie was being annoying and the meetings were boring but I gotta do what I gotta do for my supporters" she says. She yawns

"You must be really tired from working all day" I say "yeah I am" she mumbles. I close my closet door then my door and lay in bed while propping my phone up on my nightstand.

I turn my lamp off and you can only see my led lights. "Char" I whisper "bubs" I whisper again. Realizing she feel asleep I say " goodnight baby I love you" I say while getting comfortable. I turn and hear a faint "love you too" I smile and fall asleep.

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