By Your Side

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Once back at the facility Jihyo followed Jinyoung to his room, hoping to see Jackson so the three of them could talk about their treatment and how they would go about trying to manage both issues at the same time. Jihyo and Jinyoung sharing thoughts on how they could go about both treatments.

They were standing in front of the door, trying to figure out if Jackson was awake, but they didn't hear anything, so after they stood there for a few minutes wondering if they should leave him alone or walk in Jihyo decided to knock the door and ask quietly.

"Jackson-ssi are you awake?" Jihyo asked not wanting to intrude or anything

They received no answer from Jackson and they both were increasingly getting worried not knowing what state Jackson was in, so they decided to enter and see if he was inside the room, if not they would have to search him. They both hoped that he was in the room but you could never be to sure.

"Jackson-ssi, we are going to enter" Jihyo says as to make sure they are not going in unannounced and so Jackson wouldn't get scared.

They enter to the room and find Jackson sleeping, he was hugging a little bag with the words 'For Jinyoung' on it, but what really shook them was that he was smiling. The image was really different from the Jackson they saw every other day, he had always seemed so sad and distant, but in that moment he was calm, and happy.

He didn't know why, but after seeing Jackson, Jinyoung smiled and slowly walked towards him, he started stroking his hair slowly. He didn't know what he was feeling and he didn't know why, but he felt his chest warm and he just wanted to make sure that Jackson's smile never disappeared, he didn't know why, but he wanted to protect Jackson.

❛ Protect his happiness, his smile at all costs

Jackson woke up and found himself smiling, he knew that someone was stroking his hair and that made him feel calm; he decided to look up to see who was with him and he found Jinyoung smiling, his eyes having disappeared into two little crescents causing the corner of his eyes to wrinkle in the cutest way possible. Jackson found that beautiful and for the first time in his life, his smile felt real, No he knew it WAS real. He remembered his drawing and how he wished that his drawing would somehow become real. And in that exact Jackson felt as if one of his drawings had actually come true, making him smile even more.

Looking at Jinyoung in that way, he knew that his wish had come true. Tears began to fall from his eyes as a little laugh came out his mouth, his eyes were glossed over and glittering, but it wasn't because of the tears, it was because of the warmth and happiness he felt at that moment.

Jinyoung saw that Jackson woke up and he was about to move when Jackson stopped him. Jinyoung looked down and had to admire Jackson's eyes for a split second. He had always heard people say that they could see the whole universe in someones eyes, and he never understood what that meant. But right in this moment all Jinyoung could think was 'So this is what people meant by being able to see the whole universe in one's eyes' and to Jinyoung it was something he never wanted to forget. He wanted to keep looking into Jackson's eyes but decided against it and tried to get up. Until Jackson puled him back down and hugged his torso

"Please, let's stay like this a little bit more. I want to be happy with you, I want to experience real happiness for more time than I usually do" Jackson says which Jinyoung took as a cue to make himself comfy.

Jinyoung just simply listened to the request and didn't move, with his hands he cleaned Jackson's tears away and with a sweet voice told him.

"Jackson-ah, I may not be able to understand how you feel or why, but I promise that I'll be by your side always. No matter what, If you are struggling tell me and I will help as much as possible I promise." Jinyoung had said.

"Awwwww!!!!" The two boys looked towards the door where they had been oblivious to Jihyo who had been standing there observing the whole situation. The boys both smiled towards the nurse before Jackson had started to frown and looked as if he was going to ask something.

"What's wrong Jackson-ah?" Hyunjin had said scaring Jackson, Jinyoung and Jihyo. "Sorry for scaring you all but I was walking past doing my daily walk around and the door was open and I heard what Jackson had said and how Jinyoung had responded." He had said making the two boys blush.

"Well...I... My best friends death anniversary is coming up and I was going to ask Youngjae if he would come with me since he is my only friend here and then he moved and so I didn't want to interrupt that so I was just going to ask you, Felix or Dr. Lee if you would allow me to go and if one of you could come with me." Jackson said

"Well-" Hyunjin started but was quickly cut off, "I'll go with you Jackson, even if Hyunjin, Felix or Dr. Lee were to accompany you. I will not back down on my promise." Jinyoung piped up and everyone was shocked even Jackson.

"Well, we still have to send staff with you. I would send Jihyo but due to her only just stating here I can't let her go. I have to stay unfortunately and so does Felix. But I do know that Dr. Lee has a week off and I'm sure he will be willing to escort you to the burial site. If he is unable to go with you I will send Nurse Seokjin with you if that is okay with you" Hyunjin said and Jackson nods his head.

Jackson never actually paid attention to what Hyunjin had said since Jinyoung had piped up. Jinyoung's word constantly repeating themselves as Jackson thought of the other male even more.

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