A Gift With A Promise

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Doc. Hwang was about to leave when he remembered why he went there. He was a little hesitant at first but he knew it would be good for the two males to join the session. Who knows Jinyoung might learn a new emotion or something in that sense.

"Today we are having another Group Session, but this time you are going to be with Doc. Lee and Jihyo is going to help him. You have about a hour or so until it begins, so take your time to get ready." Hyunjin says

After saying that he left and ask Jihyo to go with him, saying that he'd take her where Hoseok was so he could explain her what to do and how the session was going to run. Jackson and Jinyoung looked at each before going back to what they had been doing.

Jackson kept thinking about what Jinyoung's reaction to the gift might be once he had given it to him, and he thought that maybe Jooheon would like to know that he wasn't alone, that he had a friend and that he had someone else to talk to about his problems... Of course this led Jackson to over think the situation 'Maybe if I had found another person to talk to whilst Jooheon was alive he wouldn't have put so much onto his shoulders' Jackson was brought back to reality when he felt a hand running through his hair.

Jackson leaned into the touch before he looked up at Jinyoung who was looking back at him with a softened look. Jackson hesitated to tell Jinyoung but the way Jinyoung looked back at him Jackson knew he could ask him so he did.... "Jinyoung-ah, I was wondering if you could go with me to the graveyard, if you don't want to, it's okay but-"

"I'll go with you Jackson, from now on you don't have to face your difficulties alone" Jinyoung simply answered not even wasting a second for Jackson to doubt anything. Jinyoung never went back on a promise and he had promised Jackson that he was going to stay by his side for everything and so he will. 

Jackson felt that he was going to cry again, Jinyoung's words had comforted him and made him feel happy and loved for the first time in a while. Jackson felt like he was in a dream but Jinyoung's hand now massaging his scalp whilst still running his hand through Jackson's hair was more than enough to tell the Chinese male that it was in fact real and that no tricks were being played on him right at this moment

"Thank you" Jackson grabbed the little bag with his drawings and gave it to Jinyoung "This is for you, I know it's nothing compared to what you have done for me, but I wanted to give you something. I guess you could say it is something personal" he couldn't read Jinyoung's expression and he wasn't prepared to see his reaction, so he left to the bathroom with the excuse that he would take a shower before the group session.

Jinyoung didn't understand why he left after giving him the bag, specifically since Hyunjin said that they had plenty of time to get ready, but he forgot all of that when he saw what was in the bag. Jinyoung slowly pulled out a framed photo from the bag and laid it out on the bed he had moved to as it was more comfortable than the floor.

He took the first frame and admire the quality of the drawing, but he forgot about it quickly when he paid more attention to the drawing itself and the phrase it had. The art was a representation of what happened moments ago and Jinyoung found it beautiful, it was like if someone just took a photo and framed it, once again he felt his chest warm, he didn't know what feeling what supposed to be, but he liked it. After admiring the drawing for a while, he read the message that it had. Which had tears brimming in his eyes.

«One day we'll find real happiness together, I promise»

"I think I have already found it" Jinyoung said more to himself than anyone who could have possibly heard it.

The words leave his mouth before he could even realize what he was saying, Jinyoung couldn't understand the meaning of his own words, but he knew that the feeling Jackson made him feel was warm and maybe that was what he needed to melt his so called frozen heart.

Jinyoung hung the frame on the wall and smiled while looking at it. It may be simple, but the emotions, the work and the care that the framed picture had was priceless. He was about to save the bag when he saw that it wasn't empty. He emptied the bag, finding a bunch of different drawings that shown different emotions and feelings, he read the descriptions of every single feeling and find out that what he had felt multiple times. Happiness, sadness, comfort, sympathy, anger and gratitude; he had felt all that feelings at least once and now he knew the names. Gratitude, that's what he felt in that moment, he felt grateful to Jackson, and he felt happy because someone was willing to help him and be by his side.

As soon as Jackson had come out of the bathroom dressed Jinyoung took the opportunity to show Jackson just how thankful he really was. Jackson was shocked at the sudden action and he was worried that Jinyoung had hated the gift but instead Jinyoung hugged him tightly and whispered into his ear.

"Thank you for everything. It's my turn to make you a promise; I promise you that from now on you'll never be alone and you'll be happier than ever" This sentence alone made Jackson feel like he was on cloud nine. He finally had someone willing to stay with him and help him through his struggles, someone who was willing to listen and understand. He may not have someone to love but was that really necessary if he had an amazing friend?

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