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January 2022
Manhattan, New York

January 2022Manhattan, New York

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Beyoncé "Honeybee" Knowles

There's a stack of papers on my desk; normally I'll call for my assistant to take over, but she's currently sleeping with the fishes. I have no one to yell at but myself, and I'll be dammed if I yell at myself over this shit like some crazy person.

There was a knock at my door—a helpful distraction from paperwork. I don't get a chance to tell him to come in; Ermais, one of my close friends, just walks right in. "The fuck you got going on, HB?"

"Nothing much," we say, dapping each other up like always. I looked behind him, expecting his shadow, but she wasn't there. "Where's Lo?"

"Giving the chick you're about to interview a pep talk; they'll be up in a minute."

"What chick? What interview?"

"I don't know; Lo said you asked her to help you find a new assistant."

"I'm not looking for anything new—I didn't ask Lo to do anything!" I'm genuinely confused. I never brought up anything about a new assistant. Okay, a while ago, Lauren asked about my missing assistant. I told her I got rid of the girl after she eased dropped on a meeting I was having with my father. She mentioned I needed to hire someone, and I said I wasn't going to. She agreed and said maybe it was for the best. Never did I ask Lo to go out and interview people!

"So Lo never called you to ask if this was cool?"

"No nigga!"

"Damn... It couldn't be me; you got this though, champ."

"Hell nah! You better call her and tell her no!" He thought this shit was funny. He almost fell out of his seat laughing. But I got his ass. I picked up a stapler and threw it at him. He dodged it, and I immediately got out of my chair and ran the opposite way from him. I ducked out of the way just as the stapler collided with the wall next to me.

This goes on for a minute, with us throwing the stapler back and forth. He got me once, on my wrist. I was trying to catch it, but I didn't see him extend it, and I got caught by a staple. Only one side cut into my wrist; it was a little staple, but I wasn't phased at all by it. It was my turn now too; he was cornered.

"Fuck bro, chill! You got it, HB!"

"Tell her no!"

"Hell nah, I'm not gonna do it. The last time I told her no, I didn't get pussy for weeks, man. This yo problem. Shouldn't have let me take out the last assistant."

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