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April 2022
Manhattan, New York

April 2022Manhattan, New York

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Onika "Nicki" Maraj

After everything went down in my home we needed a new place. Wayne was with me house hunting while Bey was at her parent's with munchkin. Tina was driving me absolute crazy and I needed some air, I don't know how anyone can be so bitter.

Currently we were a Denny's I got hungry and Wayne took me here. "Ight it's time for the hard ones, what's the deal with your family?" Wayne was asking me a bunch of personal questions trying to know me better. "My dad is abusive and my mom, she was just an empty shell always cold with me. I guess she treated me like that because she didn't want me."

"She hit you too?"

"No only my dad. My was more verbally abusive, then once that stopped getting a reaction from me she treated me like I was invisible." I took a sit of my orange juice. Wayne was very nice to me, I literally had to beg him not to buy me a car. That car was expensive too, he was talking about an early baby shower gift. "I can put out a hit on them."

"No god no. I'm not sure that'll solve my issues with them, I guess having a sit down with my mom would help. My dad...there's nothing I have to say to him." He nodded listening to every word I was saying. I don't usually talked about my family, their is nothing to talk about. I had a shitty childhood, as I got older it was easier to avoid them. I got older and learned how to do things for myself and not rely on them, now since I'm pregnant, I don't know. I guess I just want something to change.

I won't get the support I need from Tina, my best bet is to find my mom and see whether or not she wants to be in my life. "Wayne can you do me a personal favor?"


"I want you to find my mom, her name is Carol Maraj. You'll know when you find her cause she looks just like me. When you find her set up a meeting, please."

"I got you, I still think you should let me handle yo father. Any nigga that puts his hands on a woman deserves death." I rolled my eyes. "No more death, y'all had enough of that these past few days. Did you guys find Mr. Pickles?"

"Yea, little bee got it. Why is that bear so big, scared the fuck out of me when I found it."

"Ask Ermias, he bought it for her." The waitress came over with the check and Wayne paid. We left going to his car and driving back to the Knowles residence.

Pops was the first to see me, he was looking a little better. He wasn't using his cane as much. I waved to him and went over to Bey sitting in her lap. "Where did you go?"

Don't Hurt Yourself  *currently editing*Where stories live. Discover now