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June 2022
Manhattan, New York

June 2022Manhattan, New York

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Kelly Rowland

I hopped out the car and walked towards the house, someone came out and I started shooting. Three more guys came out I took down two and Solo took down the other. "NICKI RIHANNA WHERE YALL AT!" I didn't hear them, instead I heard movement in the kitchen. My gun was still out and I jogged to the kitchen, I grabbed Lo by the back of her head and threw her down. "Where you going Lo?"

"Kelly wait."

"Bitch you better start talking before I start shooting" She looked at in fear, good I like that shit. "Girls! Where are you?" I heard, "in the kitchen momma." I could hear Tina's heels clicking on the floor as she made her way to us. "Kelendria what are you doing!"

"Getting ready to kill this bitch." I placed my foot on her chest keeping her in place, she wasn't talking so I was about to kill her. "Kelly wait please....I didn't do it."

"Bullshit, try again."

"Kelly I had nothing to do with this."

"That's hard to believe, you want me to believe Nip is the rat and you ain't know anything about it." She looked away from me, exactly what I thought. This bitch wasn't innocent. "Where's Nip?"

"I don't know, he told me to stay here and keep everyone here. No one was supposed to die but..."

"But what?"

"Solo I'm so sorry...I begged them not to do it. I tried to stop them I really did."

"What are you talking about?" She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "Pops." Solo took off running, I grabbed Lo and followed behind. Solo was kicking doors down looking for her father, we got to one room upstairs and he was in it. "No.....nooo daddy wake up. No no no no, daddy get up." She ran to him and started shaking his body, I let go of Lauren and went to her. "Baby stop." I grabbed her and pulled her away, she started hitting me and yelling for me to let her go. I just held her until she stopped and cried into my chest. Seconds later Tina came around the corner, "Mathew...oh my god."

"Momma." Solange cried out and went to her mother. Tina held onto her as they cried over pops chest. I was trying not to cry either but it was hard, this man raised all of us. He's been there for everything and for him to go out like this....it was unfair. I charged over to Lauren and grabbed her by her throat, "Who did this?" She was scratching at my hand, I let go just enough to allow her to talk. "I'm sorry."

"Who did this!" I slammed her into a wall, she trembled but finally spoke, "I don't know his name. He left with Nip, he's got an ice cream tatted on his face."

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