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April 2022
Queens, New York

April 2022Queens, New York

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Beyoncé "Honeybee" Knowles

I felt a slight pressure on my chest then I opened my eyes. Octavia had her big ass bear on my chest while she was laying on Nicki's back. I would've been cool with this but we were naked, "Princess go in your room, we gotta get dressed."

"K, can Mr. Pickles stay?"

"No." She grabbed him and walked out the room dragging her bear behind. Nicki was still out cold so I didn't bother messing with her, I wore her out last night. I had her coming back to back per usual.

My poor baby was going to be sore, I might as well run us a bath.

Heading to the bathroom I ran the water for our bath, I walked out grabbing the baby monitor making sure Octavia was in her room. I placed the monitor on the bathroom sink and turned off the water. Nicki limped in looking around, "who's that for?"

"Us, you getting in?" She nodded. I got in first and she came in after. The water felt good against my skin, I turned the jets on and leaned back relaxing. Nicki was laying against me running her thumb on the side of my face.

I enjoyed moments like this with her, if I could have more I would. But my lifestyle stops me from doing a lot of things with her. "Whatchu thinking about baby." She looked up at me, I smiled wrapping my arms around her, "not much, just how much I enjoy being sensual with you."

"Really, I could've sworn you enjoyed being sexual the way you fucked me last night. That was nasty, like pornhub nasty." I laughed, yeah last night was really ridiculous. "Your the one to talk, your head game is dangerous girl, I almost married you on the spot."

"I never said I was innocent, you just assumed cause I was shy. I'm real freaky daddy." She grabbed my dick and slid it inside her, Nicki start sucking on my neck no doubt leaving hickies. I let her take control, babygirl had me where she wanted me, I didn't even stop the moans from coming out of my lips. When I got close I pulled out of her and got up on the tub, Nicki's wasted no time swallowing me. Her eyes locked onto mine as she bobbed her head up and down sucking hard, did I mention she didn't have a gag reflex.

I gripped her head tight and thrust into her throat as I shot cum down it. Best believe she swallowed all of it not wasting a single drop. I tossed my head back riding out my orgasm, this girl is gonna make me put a ring on it. "Hell nah, no more dick for you." She busted out laughing. "Scaredy cat, move so I can brush my teeth." She slapped my leg and got out the tub.

We got dressed quickly and baby went to go get Octavia together. I waited for them in the kitchen while I watched tv, yo girl could barely cook. I wasn't trying to burn this house down. "Mommy momma no feel good." I heard, she came around the corner dragging Mr. Pickles with her thumb in her mouth. I picked her up placing her in my lap, I kissed her cheek and took in her appearance, her hair was styled just like mine, "what's wrong with momma princess?" I raised my brow, "momma threw up."

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