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February 2022
Queens, New York

February 2022Queens, New York

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Onika "Nicki" Maraj

My history teacher was at the board giving a speech about something that occurred in history. I wasn't really listening so I couldn't tell you what was going on. I was texting Rihanna about our plans for tonight, she finally got her fake ID and wanted to go to this nightclub.

I felt eyes on me so I looked around, Belcalis was laughing while recording me on her phone. Before I could say anything water was poured into my lap by some dumbass. I jumped up and slapped whoever it was, they had the audacity to jump in my face trying to fight me. "Ladies knock it off, Onika outside!"

"I didn't even start it!"

"Seems to me like you did, get out!" I kissed my teeth and stormed out with my things. I walked to my locker to grab my change of clothes out my locker, my pants were soaked.

After I changed I decided to hang out in Lauren's room, she had a free period right now so she wasn't going to trip.

To my surprise her husband was here, he waved at me when I walked in. "You Nicki right?"

"Yup, where's Lo?"

"In the booth cleaning it out." I sat down in my usual spot behind her desk grabbing some snacks. Lauren's husband was a good looking guy, she hit the jackpot with that one. From what she tells me he treats her like a queen, a girl could only dream to have something like that. "Nika did you change?"

I spun around in her chair nodding, "Yea, Cardi's little friend poured water on me." I stopped spinning and tried to look at her, everything was moving in circles. Lo hit me on my head and pulled me out of her seat. "Need me to handle it, professionally of course."

"No, it's not worth it. I already slapped the girl, which I probably shouldn't have done."

"Why not, I would've knocked that kid's head loose if they poured water on me." Both Lo and I looked over at him. I shook my head while Lo scolded him, "it's not that simple baby. If she gets into a fight she'll be kicked out of her program that she's in. That's why that bitch Cardi is always trying her, I hate jealous mother fuckers like that."

"Oh word, then get someone to jump her ass then. Don't JT and her sis-" Lo threw a water bottle at him shaking her head no. "Shit never mind, ima just head out let y'all talk, love you." He gave her a kiss on the lips, I gushed at how cute they were. He came over to me and pulled me into a hug, "see you around lil bit."

I spent the rest of my day hanging with Lo, whenever she had a class come in I went to her office and stayed there until she was done. At last bell I left, since today was an A day I didn't have music today or half day. I needed to get to my program class, I took my usual seat next to Rih. "Where were you all day?"

"With Mrs. London."

"You good, I heard what happened in your class. Nikita is pissed, she was talking a whole lot of junk during lunch."

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