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May 2022
Brooklyn, New York

May 2022Brooklyn, New York

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Beyoncé "Honeybee" Knowles

I heard a scream come from Octavia and I jumped up and grabbed my gun. Nicki jumped up as well, she beat me first to Octavia's room. "Bey put that away." I tucked my gun in my waistband. Nicki was holding her rocking her back and forward as she cried, "What's wrong munchkin?"

"I had a bad dream....a bad man hurt mommy....he took her away." Nicki looked at me with such sad eyes, "it's just a dream baby just go back to sleep." She shook her head no as she cried harder, I came over and picked her up. Nicki took my gun from its spot and walked out the room. "You want me to stay in her with you Princess?" She nodded, I placed her back down on the bed.

I got under the covers and she laid on my chest, every once in a while you would hear her sniffing. She eventually fell asleep, I fell asleep soon after her. It was the middle of the night and my mind was spinning with exhaustion.
In the morning Octavia was still knocked out, her baby monitor was on so we could watch her in case she wakes up screaming again. "What's happening about Shawn?"

"Nothing, all I know is he's hiding somewhere in the Bronx. Michelle is thinking I should draw him out, I'm think a community event should do." I poured another cup of coffee, I was running on no sleep. Octavia sleeps wild it was impossible for me to get any rest. "So you want to go out in the open in his block. Beyoncé are you stupid, he'll kill you the first chance he gets!"

"I'll have the crew with me, besides he won't make such a bold move. I'll be going as Beyoncé Knowles not Honeybee. I'm well known for al charity events all over New York."

"Don't you think that'll leave you vulnerable, Shawn will know who you are and who I am. Did you forget we have a daughter and a another kid on the way?" I put my cup down and took a deep breath, "baby no one knows about you because I keep my private life private."

"I'm not letting go out there alone."

"I'm not letting you come with me, I'm taking Kehlani as a decoy."

"You lost your rabbit ass mind if you think I'm letting you parade around with some bitch your mother talked you into hiring. It's not going to happen Beyoncé!"

"When it comes down to the Hive Onika you have no say what I do. I'm doing this for your benefit, I have to get this dude off my back because he's closing in!"

"You know what, if you want to walk around with some bitch go ahead. Let me find out y'all mess around with each other and ima set your bright ass on fire." She walked out the kitchen. "And don't bother getting ready to go to the doctor because I'm taking Rihanna!" I heard the door slam after she said that.

I'll deal with that later, for now I have to go to the office, I have to meet Michelle and somehow convince Kehlani to come with me. It shouldn't be too hard.

Don't Hurt Yourself  *currently editing*Where stories live. Discover now