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July 2022

Beyoncé "Honeybee" Knowles

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Beyoncé "Honeybee" Knowles

Kehlani was fixing her clothes while I sat waiting for her. Today was our community event, we were taking guns off the street and giving back to the people. Of course this was a ruse to draw out Shawn.

Michelle narrowed his location down to the Bronx, I don't know for sure if him being him was true or not so I brought Michelle, Kelly and Solange with me. They were my backup in case things got out of hand. "Yo Bey, you ready?"

"Yeah I'm waiting on Kehlani."

"I'm ready." I helped Kehlani our if the car and walked with her to our table. It was set up outside by the community center, "cops" were posted up next to it. They were really just some more of my men. "I'm getting a bad feeling about this Juju. Something is not right, I could feel it." Solange confided to me, I shared her concern. "Call Tunchie, have him round up everyone and move them to a safe house." She nodded and walked off, I felt someone's arm link in mine and I looked down.

Kehlani was getting a bit too comfortable, I had to go along with it. If Shawn was here I needed him to believe she was my girl. The whole point of this is to steer him away from my family. Shawn was getting close and I needed to put some distance between us. "He's moving them, it'll take some time though."

"That's fine, I don't know how this is going to play out."

"What are you guys talking about?" We looked over at Kehlani and brushed her of.

We were out here for two hours so far and there was no sign of Shawn. I was getting ready to pack everything up until my phone started ringing. I picked it up and looked at the caller ID, then person was calling from a blocked number. As I answered it I scanned through the crowd, this wasn't just any coincidence. "Hello Beyoncé."

"How'd you get this number?" My eyes were darting back and forward looking at each person in this large crowd. Solange picked up on my body language and started searching the crowd as well. Michelle and Kelly came towards me but I stopped them, I held up my free hand. "You look beautiful today, has anyone told you that."

"I don't need someone telling me what I already know, where are you Shawn?" I heard him chuckle on the other end of the line. He was definitely here, I could hear the music from the speaker system playing through his end. "Why're hiding, you don't strike me as the cowardly type. Come on out so we can talk like adults, I'm dying to meet you."

"Be careful what you wish for gorgeous. Besides, I'm closer than you think." I looked around for him, no one close by had a phone in their hand, "would you like a hint Beyoncé?"

"Sure I'll bite." I heard some shuffling around then I heard my sister's voice. She was talking to Kelly and I looked straight over to them. I saw a man walking past them with an earpiece. Our eyes met and he smiled, Kelly and Michelle didn't even notice him. I couldn't even tell them he was there, they were too far from me and I didn't want to alert the crowd. "You two look so much alike, how far apart in age are y'all?"

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