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February 2022
Manhattan, New York

February 2022Manhattan, New York

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Onika "Nicki" Maraj

Today has to be one of the worst days for me, Cardi really knows how to get underneath my skin sometimes. I really don't see what her problem is with me, I've literally done nothing to her. "Woah hello." I got thrown off by a little girl sitting at my desk, nobody here has a child so this was definitely a shock.

She smiled at me and waved, she was so cute. "Sweetie where's your mommy?" She pointed to Beyoncé's office, I guess she was in a meeting with her mother. "You have really pretty hair I don't know why your mommy didn't do it." This was one of my biggest pet peeves. I hated when chicks get their hair and nails done and have they're child walking around unkept.

Luckily I kept hair supplies in my desk, I picked her up and sat her down on my desk. I parted her hair in two sections mapping out two buns. When I was done making them I gave her two twists in the front and adding hair jewelry on them. As I was doing her edges Beyoncé walked out of her office with a client. "Thank you Ms. Knowles, I look forward to our partnership."

"Me too Mr. Miles, take care now." They shook hands then the guy left. She came over to us with a confused look on her face. "She didn't cry with you?"

"No, I did her hair and everything. Where's her mother she said she was with you."

"She's referring to me. I'm fostering her until she has a permanent home." I picked the little girl up squishing her cheeks making her giggle. She was really cute and looking ten times cuter with her new hairstyle. "You good with kids?"

"I'm great with them, I love kids. What's your name sweetie?"

"She doesn't re-"

"Octavia." The little girl spoke, Beyoncé held her hand on her chest and faked being hurt. "Not fair, I had to bribe you with candy and you just tell her your name after knowing her for ten minutes, unbelievable." Octavia and I laughed at her theatrics. "How's your hand Bey?"

"Good, a little stiff but it's alright. Are you okay, she didn't hurt you right." I looked away from her, I wasn't quite over last night. I had scratches on my thighs that was a little reminder that needed to go away. I barely slept last too, when I was alone it felt like she was still touching me. "No I'm fine."

It was quiet for a while until she spoke again, "I may need a little help with her if you don't mind."

"Sure, what do you need."

"For starters I need to take her to a doctors appointment, I need your help signing papers for me."

"I'm cool with that, are we leaving now." She didn't even answer me, she just grabbed my hand and guided me out the office.

Mount Sinai Kravis Children's Hopital
Manhattan, New York

When we got to the hospital we didn't even need to wait in line or anything. They took us straight to a room big enough to fit my entire house in. Octavia was laying on the bed playing with Beyoncé's necklace as she sucked on her thumb.

Don't Hurt Yourself  *currently editing*Where stories live. Discover now