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January 2022
Manhattan, New York

January 2022Manhattan, New York

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Beyoncé "Honeybee" Knowles

A few months have passed since my interview with Onika and the problem at my warehouse. Both situations have been plaguing my mind lately. For the most part, it's been those kids. Every time I find myself trying to work, I think back to those tiny faces staring up at me with fear and pain pouring out of their eyes. Those tear-stained cheeks and dirty faces eat away at my heart. I can never imagine myself stooping so low to ever hurt a child. I forget sometimes that not everyone has the same morals as me.

But the moment I clear my mind, I instantly see her. Onika's beauty was one to marvel at. From her body perfectly sculpted in the dress she wore, the fullness in her lips, her gorgeous innocent brown eyes, and the soft, warm scent I noticed when she entered my office, thinking of her puts me at ease; it's strange. I just barely met the girl, and already she's peaked my interest. I get so lost replaying our meeting in my mind that I disregard any task I'd be doing. Today we're meeting for the second part of her interview.

I don't normally have more than one meeting when it comes to hiring personnel, but Onika is an interesting individual. In this meeting, hopefully, I can get more from her. I want to break down that shy shell of hers just a bit.

Before we can meet, there are a few things I need to take care of.

It took some digging, but our little friend gave up information on Sanchez. From our conversation, Sanchez seems to be another 'yes man'. Some simple-minded dumb fuck who takes orders without asking questions. Someone clearly set him up. There's no way he walked the kids into my warehouse without help. I want to know who's the bold son of a bitch. I have a few words for them, but for now. Sanchez will do.

My crew was already in place. Everyone except Solange, whom I specifically told to be by my side. Our father wants us both to solve this Sanchez problem. So I'm not understanding why she's not here. "Where's Solo?" Kelly and Michelle were both in their positions. I asked them since they were here.

"Yeah, Kelly, where is your little girlfriend?"

"Yo, stop saying that shit; we're not dating. You are about to get me killed playing around too damn much."

"Oh? So you weren't at her place during booty call hours? Because I'm pretty sure that's where I picked you up from, my guy."


"Wait a minute, you were at my sister's house after hours?" I said, getting in her face. Kelly threw her hands up in surrender. I wasn't going to do anything. As much as their childish behavior bothers me, I like to join in on the fun.

Michelle was cracking the hell up beside me, and I'm glad she found humor in it. Because her ass was next. I grabbed her by her collar and pulled her closer. "The fuck is so funny; you knew she was at my sister's crib and ain't said shit! You know what I'm telling my dad about the both of you."

Don't Hurt Yourself  *currently editing*Where stories live. Discover now