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April 2016

Beyoncé "Honeybee" Knowles

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Beyoncé "Honeybee" Knowles

I woke up to the smell of bacon and I looked around the room. Claire was nowhere in site, I figured she was the one cooking so I got up and looked for her.

Her back was turned towards me so I snaked my arms around her. I stole a piece of bacon from the frying pan and she popped my hand. "When you burn your fingers BB don't say nothing."

"I won't, this not my extracurricular hand." She popped me again and I laughed. "Ooouuu something smells good." Lauren wobbled into the kitchen, she had a stack of papers in her hand that she sat down on the island. "Ain't you on maternity leave, why do you have work?"

"Because my freshman believe it's funny to act like barn animals and they ran off the substitute. People need to teach their children home training." She rubbed her stomach as she flipped through the stack of papers. I grabbed one looking at the name and assignment, I chuckled at the mini drawings the kid had on the paper. "Chris the biggest pain in my ass, he's very talented he just slacks off too much. I dare my daughter to turn out like that."

"She won't because I will be there helping you." Claire said while resting a plate down in front of Lo. "Baby pops said he needs you in New York tomorrow, I just remembered." She put a plate down in front of me and handed us some napkins. "All of us or just me."

"All of you, he said Nip can stay if Lo bear needs him."

"Hell no, that man has been driving me crazy. Bey take him before I kill him." I laughed shaking my head after her, "Nip is just excited this is his first kid."

"Mine too but damn. Bey I love Ermias to death, I can't imagine a world without him...but his ass will be right next to you on that plane so help me god."

"Fine I'll take him and leave you with Solo and Claire. You got my wife and sister are you satisfied."

"Very much." She stole a piece of bacon from me and winked. After I finished my food I called up the crew and told them to meet me at the hangar, the Hive has a two private jets and them things are sexy. I love flying in them, I feel like a god every time.

When I got there Michelle was already flirting with the flight attendant and Kelly was texting someone, probably my sister. They think ion know about them but I do, the age difference got me on the fences but knowing Kelly she won't do anything until Solo is eighteen.

Nip was the last to arrive, once he was boarded the jet took off without any interruptions. "Yo Bey, why we going to New York."

"My dad send he'll tell us when we land. You know how he is." I shrugged, my dad always acts mysterious when shipping us of places. The last time he sent us somewhere we ended up in a gunfight, my dad said that was a test till see how well we acted under pressure.

Let's just say we failed, and got lucky we all made it out alive.

I've never really been to New York, I don't ever start long enough. Some coming here now felt like I was walking into uncharted land. My guard was up and I was prepared for anything unlike the others. They were too busy wrapped up in personal issues, and it all came down to woman problems. This is why I'm glad Claire and I ate solid. We rarely ever argue because we get each other so well, our communication is A1. "You guys think Lo is going to have the baby while I'm gone?"

"Yes." We all said in unison, "boy Lauren is going to find some way to induce labor just so she can have the baby while you gone, your driving her crazy."

"Shut up Michelle ain't nobody asked four your input."

"You did actually, and that attitude is why she's going to give birth without you."

"I hate you, I honestly do." She blew him a kiss and he threw a cup at her, it was empty though. "Children behave, don't make she put one of you in timeout."

"Shut up Giselle!" They yelled at the same time, I flicked them both off.
I dragged the last body to the ditch as Kelly and Nip poured gasoline over the bodies, "I'm getting real sick of these test Bey, your dad needs to chill. I got blood everywhere."

"I got chucks of flesh in my hair Kelly, let's not forget I was in the room when the guy exploded!"

"What was that preparing us for! Ion think I've ever seen a person explode before, your dad needs help." Michelle complained throwing a match into the ditch, I pulled chunks out of my hair and tossed it in watching it burn alongside the bodies. I desperately needed a shower, "I'm heading back to the safe house, y'all coming."

"Yes, how many bathrooms are there?"

"I counted three." We piled back in the car and drove to our destination. We looked liked we stepped out of a scary movie, everyone looked bloody and disgusting. The worst part is it wasn't even our blood!

When I showered I'm pretty sure I clogged the tub, I tell our clean up crew to handle it because I'm not dealing with it, I'm already grossed out knowing it was all on me. "Yo Bey! We gotta head back to Houston!" I stepped out the bathroom with a towel around my waist and one in my hand drying my hair, "Kelly what are you talking about we just got here."

"The girls were in a bad accident. Pops doesn't think it was an accident either, we got to go." I quickly put on some clothes and ran out to the car, I sped down the roads not caring one bit about a red light or police.

We made it back to the jet under an hour by how fast I drove, the hangar also wasn't far from the safe house. My mind was on the girls, I know Nip's was too.

This shit didn't make sense, if the accident wasn't accidental who would want to target the girls? None of their hands were dirty. Solo was apart of the Hive yeah but her hands were still clean. It had to be about us then, so who the hell is trying to put a hit out on us.

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