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April 2022
Manhattan, New York

April 2022Manhattan, New York

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Beyoncé "Honeybee" Knowles

A woman was sitting in my office when I got in today, she turned around once she heard me come in and I was taking back. She was beautiful, but she had no business being in my office. "How can I help you miss."

"I'm Kehlani, I'm here about the opening for your assistant. I was told by an associate of yours you were hiring." I shook her hand. "You were told wrong, the position is currently filled. I'm sorry for the misinformation."

"No problem, I'll leave my information just in case you change your mind." She wrote down her number and her name down, as she was about to leave my mother walked in. "So you two met. Good, when's her interview." I looked between her and my mother.

My mom had something up her sleeves, I just knew. Let me entertain this and see what happens, "yes we met, you told her I was hiring."

"Of course, she's from my church and is looking for a job.  I just thought since Onika is pregnant you guys wouldn't want to put stress on her, speaking of Onika where is she?"

"With Lauren and Rihanna picking out graduation outfits. Will you be coming?" Kehlani excused herself and walked out of my office, at least the girl knows how to mind her business. "Yes I wouldn't miss it, how's house hunting going?"

"Good...who told you?"

"Wayne is in town, I put two and two together. This little relationship Octavia and Neal have, it's giving me bad vibes." I rolled my eyes. Everything gives her bad vibes I wouldn't be surprised if she had a built in detector on it. "Wayne isn't your real brother, he's dad's right hand when he was running the Hive so whatever your hinting at drop it, they're just kids they'll grow out of it. I had a thing for Nip growing up and you see how that turned out." She shrugged. "Well just monitor them, it's obvious Onika won't correct that behavior, she still hasn't corrected the whole thumb sucking behavior."

"There's nothing to correct she sucks her thumb when she's tired or when her anxiety gets bad. Like I said earlier she'll grow out of it." My mother was starting to annoy me. She wonders why Solo and I spend little time with her, no one wants to be around negativity all day.  "I hope so. Kehlani looks beautiful, it would be nice to have her around."

"Yes she's beautiful mother, anything else you'll like to comment on." She shook her head and I stood up, I kissed her on her cheek and helped her out my office. I was already exhausted, right as I was sitting down Megan skipped in my office with her family. We had a meeting today, they were thinking of opening another restaurant in Houston. "Hey guys how are y'all?"

"Good, congratulations on the new baby."

"Thank you. Are we ready to get started?"

We all sat down and began going over everything that is to be expected for this new location. The went by quickly, there wasn't much needed to be done right now. For now we set up a time where we all could fly out and check available locations.

Don't Hurt Yourself  *currently editing*Where stories live. Discover now