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March 2022
Brooklyn, New York

March 2022Brooklyn, New York

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Onika "Nicki" Maraj

"I'm sorry Rih."

"No you not, it's cool you can be with your other friends." I was straddling lap trying to get her to stop acting like a baby. "Rih your my bestie, can't nobody replace you."

"That's exactly what my ex said before he cheated on me."

"Don't compare me to Chris heffa, now I'm hurt." I got off her lap and crossed my arms over my chest. Rih big head self thought it was funny. "See how I feel, now who are these new friends of yours and why haven't I met them."

"You met one, my music teacher Mrs. London. The other is my boss's sister."

"You mean your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend." I threw a pillow at her then went to my closet, I needed to get dressed. Rih was supposed to come with me to look for an apartment. Now Lo and Solange was coming with us because Bey found out and wanted to make sure I was safe. "Tuh she's sending your friends to protect you just screams girlfriend."

"It's just been a really weird week at work for us, some guy got pissed and made some threats. She's just being thoughtful. Stop calling her my girlfriend Rih." I stepped out of my closet looking at my appearance, I looked good. "Damn Nicki you just thick for no reason." I turned around just to see both Lo and Solange in my doorway. "Yo pops let us in, I think he got a thing for Lo." She shook her head pushing Solange playfully. "Hey Mrs. London."

"Hi Robyn, just call me Lo. I hate formalities outside of work, it makes me feel old."

"And the two kids and a husband don't. I'm Solange by the way."

"Solo shut up, telling my business like that." I poked Lo's cheek, the way she acted you wouldn't think she was the oldest person in the room. "I'm dead, wait how old are you Lauren."

"She's 39 Robyn."

"Mother fucker I'm twenty four! I'm two years older than you Solo, don't try me."

"Alright children no more fighting, let's go."

"Not your young ass calling us children."

"Rih you older than me by a few months don't do me. You know that you and Solo sitting in the back, since y'all wanna act up." I grabbed my keys and linked my arm in Lo's. "That's why y'all look like smurfs, Robyn can you imagine being that short?"

"Nope, it's sad really."

Manhattan New York
Knowles Enterprise

"So you made a decision on which apartment you liked Nicki?" Lo asked me, we came to the office because Rihanna wanted to see it and there were better food places around. "No, it's just too overwhelming."

Don't Hurt Yourself  *currently editing*Where stories live. Discover now